
Squires serve most of the noble houses in Galavnaya, Chereladi, Zlora, and Pikae. Most houses have between twenty and forty squires who work as household pages, go-fers, kitchen assistants, stable boys (or girls), and anything else requested of them. Traditionally, the position is filled by children of other noble houses between 15-18 years old. Not all squires are of noble birth and many aspiring guardsmen, courtiers and the children of influential merchants like those from The Federated Merchants of Kargasa also squire with noble houses for several years.



Potential squires must be at least 15 years old, schooled in proper courtly manners, and able to commit to at least one year of service.

Career Progression

Squires usually begin their tenure as menial workers: mucking stalls in the barn, scrubbing floors in the kitchens and pantries, sweeping hallways and laying new straw where necessary. As they prove themselves, they may move up to kitchen assistants, messengers and go-fers, horse groomers and tack cleaners. Those with special talents or interests may specialize as personal messengers or scribes, horse handlers and messenger riders, weapons cleaners or knight's squires. In some cases, squires will be offered permanent positions in their specializations after their tenure as squire.

Payment & Reimbursement

During their tenure, squires receive a small shared bedroom (2-3 beds), three meals daily, training in their duties which may advance their later careers, and a stipend equivalent to 1 month's pay for a common worker.

Other Benefits

Training in their duties frequently opens paths for later career specialties or informs their ability to rule or manage their own households.



Squiring is intended to teach those from noble houses how to serve others and hone their skills outside of wealth. In the case of those of lesser status who enter squiring positions, they are often given the opportunity to advance their status, potentially making social ties with members of the household or securing an adulthood position.

Social Status

Generally, squiring is considered a positive experience for the children involved. It gives them an opportunity to learn how to serve, to spend several years monitoring themselves and their own finances, and gives them a chance to get away from their parents. As a rung on the social ladder, it is a sought-after position for non-nobles as well.   Some noble children resent being required to squire by their families, preferring to be served or struggling to adjust to the "hardships" of serving life. In some cases, noble houses will not require their children to squire, though the decision to keep their teens at home usually results in other houses being reluctant to send their children there to squire.


Traditionally, squiring was only required of the male members of noble houses. In the past two decades, it has been expanded to allow female members to squire as well, though they are not expected to. Katye Varin was a pioneer of this aspect of squiring, insisting that her father allow her to squire in Qense.


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