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Dr. Sundberg's Ultimatium

I tried to sleep on it like you asked but I don’t think I got much sleep. Regardless I’ve decided I can’t continue down this path, Elgon, you’ll have to go on without me.   We’ve both been through a lot under your father. I remember when you were assigned to oversee my division, you really inspired me and the other new staffers with your energy. I think we all thought we were going to rock the world. And over the years we did, didn’t we?   When you took over Questgen from your father, I was filled with so much pride that day. A change was necessary and I still believe that to this day.   So you must believe me when I tell you that this decision wasn’t easy. But I had to face the reality that TX-245 is dangerous. Extending life is one thing, but this is another. The nightmares I’ve had after seeing those bodies move like that – I don’t know if those images will ever leave me.   I implore you to see what I see. We’ve reached our limit with this and one wrong step could result in a catastrophe - not just for this company but for all of us. Human error is unavoidable, Elgon, no matter how loathe you are to admit it. And when that mistake happens, not all of us will have a ticket to The Grand Lisa .   Now I’m going to extend to you the same advice you gave me.   Think about what I’m saying and sleep on it.   I’ll have a formal resignation letter typed up in anticipation of your response. I hope I never have to send it. -S.
Sundberg's Ultimatium is a letter used as proof by conspiracy theorists claiming Questgen has developed a chemical that could resurrect the dead.   Conspiracists believe this letter was from Dr. Sundberg, the leading geneticist at Questgen, who had passed away in a boating accident while on vacation. In the letter, which is only signed by "S", the doctor alludes to a chemical compound called TX-245 and bodies moving in terrifying ways.   The letter, which appeared online as a photographic copy, appears often in conspiracy chats related to the subject, though its legitimacy has yet to be verified. It has also become a popular meme to poke fun at people who make leaps in logic. It's also common to see lines from the letter to be quoted as an ironic inside joke.   So go ahead. Make your dumb jokes. That's what they want you to do.


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