The Chorus of Seasky Organization in Waking Materia | World Anvil
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The Chorus of Seasky

The Chorus of Seasky is a sort of God-Trio or Sub-Pantheon consisting of The Stormlords Ronom & Ranarim and their lifelong friend and ally, the bard god Laila By-the-Sea. The three are featured in dozens of First Age stories of adventure and heroism, rescuing innocents, protecting great artifacts and allying with the Insurgent Gods against the mighty Lichlords.

The Chorus are sometimes worshipped together as a united deity of adventure and heroism. For even dedicated adherents of Laila or the Stormlords, it is common to still pay respects to the other members.  

Seconday Members

It is not uncommon for stories of the Chorus's exploits to also include the traveling demigods Galadnock mac-Kenzie and Valaan Blackblade. As such they are sometimes worshipped within the wider circle of "adventurer gods" as well.

Even less common but still well-liked are stories where the Chorus is joined by Silas, god of wind and trickster hero of the Inula'an Dialogues.  

The Trioskuri

Though worship of deities outside the ruling pantheon of Necrocrats was frowned-upon, Laila & the Stormlords were occasionally worshipped in small Hyperion Cults in ancient Nireau. There, they were called the Trioskuri. This worship tended to be centered around Ranarim in particular, who was a Nireauan native.

Profile: (Left to Right) Laila By-the-Sea, Thunderlord Ronom and Lightninglord Ranarim spring an ambush on the colossal warbody of Lichlord Io'a, as the abomination attempts to flank a fleeing regiment of Freemen.

Art credit: Jakub Rozalski.

Banner: (Left to Right) Ronom, Laila By-the-Sea, Ranarim.

Banner art credit: Akihiro Yamada, Gianluca Rolli, Jun Suemi
Religious, Pantheon

Character flag image: by Jakub Rozalski


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