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The Abyss. The Roiling Nihil. The Perfect Circle. The Hub of Infinite Paths.

What is Quietus? On a “literal” level (insofar as anything in The Duskscape is literal), Quietus is the perfectly circular abyss in the middle of the towering, coliseum-like, demonic metropolis of Dis. The relationship between Dis and Quietus is unknown to all but the most powerful of demons and Material occultists. Was Dis built around Quietus, or did the Roiling Nihil result from some demonic event? Does Dis feed off the Abyss? Was it built to contain it?

Quietus does not itself appear to be sentient, and yet it seems to be able to trade on divine power the way a Cenobite would. But to what end?

Quietus has no alignment, though its worship only seems to manifest in a Neutral Evil or Chaotic Evil desire to silence the cacophony of sentient society.  

Appearance & Heraldry

  See also: Quietus Image Gallery (External)  


Worshippers of Quietus are rare, and want only one thing, or rather, they desire nothing. True nothingness. They view oblivion as a gift to be granted to the loud, maddening cacaphony of reality. Worship of Quietus often manifests as a desire to “silence the noise” and an obsession with circles.  


Quietus's primary domain is Void. Its secondry domins are Perfection, Darkness, Secrecy, Truth and Travel.  

Planar Cosmology

Quietus is one of a small handful of manifestations of The Wane according to the Layer Theory of Planar Cosmology, and thus can be used to "travel" (without passing through any space or time) between other Class IV planes which connect with the Wane.



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