Chelicerax Character in Waking Materia | World Anvil
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The Red King; Lichlord and Colonial God of the New Rozsan Empire

Usually preceded by the Rozsan title 'Vierix', Chelicerax was a Colonial God and ruling Lichlord of The New Rozsan Empire. One of the most feared of the Rozsan warlords, Chelicerax answered only to twin God-Emperors Nir and Nef, and even then the bloodthirsty demigod's obedience was inconsistent. After he and his monstrous cheliceran army went rogue one too many times, he was personally dispatched by God-Emperor Nef himself.

Chelicerax's alignment is unknown but was likely Neutral Evil or Chaotic Evil.  

Appearance & Heraldry

  See also: Vierix Chelicerax Image Gallery (External)
Chelicerax is a popular subject in art, with his red hair flaring straight upward, obsidian greatsword in hand, scorpion tail at the ready.  


Only mentioned in Middle First Age histories and beyond, Chelicerax is thought to be one of the later Rozsan Lichlords, born on Waking Materia rather than arriving with the initial colonial armies from Rozsa.

He was initially a top-ranking enforcer of the The New Rozsan Empire's Ex-Nihilo paramilitary, a politically invisible task force the Lichlords reached to for the most politically delicate of operations (Nireauan arrogance aside, the Kelpeater Empire was more than a match for them if it came to all-out, planar war). At any rate, the Nireauan Godlords loosened his leash a little too much, and so the Red King ran his scorpion-man army on a merry reiving across the Beta Quarter, nearly bringing out the world war he was previously employed to protect, before being personally dispatched by Lichlord Nef himself.  

The Chelicerans

Chelicerax was co-creator and supreme commander of the monstrous elf-scorpion centaurs known as chelicerans. Their method of creation is unknown, but they bear some similarity to other experiments by Vierix Pramanix, who likely had some involvement. Long-lived but unable to reproduce, a few bio-engineered cheliceran soldiers survived the coming centuries in seclusion on the Voidward outskirts of Khayyam, Oloraan and Tiam's Cradle. Now able to reproduce, they worship the expunged Chelicerax as a god and the hero Argent Topaz (who negotiated the reproduction ritual from a powerful archmage) as his messiah.



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