Mount Cendi Lava Lake Geographic Location in Vreathe | World Anvil
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Mount Cendi Lava Lake

Article Contents

There are three laval lakes in the Kingdoms of Cassel. Two of them are located in the Corruption of Xiralgus on the Boiling Islands. The other is located in the Red towers, in the barony of Ardens. The lake is located roughly a thousand meters below the summit of Mount Cendi. The lava generally doesn't drain from the lake and eruptions are extremely rare, which is why the elves built a structure known as the Phoenix Monastery on the summit of the mountain.

This lava lake is unique because the firebirds known as Phoenixes have been observed for thousands of years to be flying into and out of the lake. This is the only lava lake across all of Vreathe where this occurs. No one really knows why but there has been broad speculation that this lava lake is a portal, linked to Meliheal the world tree in some way. Most scholars believe this portal leads to the volcanic moon of Izi, a moon that orbits around the planet Tarsuros.

Research Expedition log #1
"We are set to go. At noon tomorrow we will leave the Mount Cendi Phoenix Monastery and make out way to the lava lake. After taking the appropriate measurements, we will then each take 3 Nullify Fire Potions to grant us immunity to any heat above room temperature for a full day. then we will take a Lava Breathing Potion. Hopefully this will allow us to survive the inside of the lake until we reach the other side. Abyssal air claims these potions will work so I hope they are correct. Our mages say they can survive the inside of a lava lake as well and can protect us if need be. We'll see...

In additon we have various other supplies to survive the expedition, as well as dozens of extra potions. Hopefully by the end of this we find out where the Phoenixes keep going when they dive into the lava lake."

- Caio, Scholar of the Irrelith College of Geology


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