Agennum is a barony located in the southwest of the Duchy of Fairden, part of the Kingdom of North Cassel...
Aldarra is a barony located in north central Fairden, part of the Kingdom of North Cassel. It is mostly a hilly pineland..
The Barony of Berga is located in the Southeast of Fairden, part of the Kingdom of North Cassel...
Canillo is a barony in the northwest of the duchy of Fairden, part of the Kingdom of North Cassel...
Esurian is a barony located in Western Azure in the Kingdom of North Cassel. It is notable for its Ork apples and its bone palace...
Gladio is a barony in the Valley of Kings in extreme western North Cassel. It has rolling plains, gold filled canyons, and a monster filled icy plateau with a secret in the center...
Gwerra is a small barony located in Azure and is the furthest east location in North Cassel. It has grassy valleys, snowy peaks and the tallest mountain in Cassel...
Marsan is a barony located in Northwest Cassel. Known for its Muskets, as well as grain and cattle production...
The Mount Cendi Lava Lake is located in the Barony of Ardens. It is notable because Phoenixes are known to dive into the lake and disappear for a short time...
Orthez is a barony located in northeast Fairden, part of the Kingdom of North Cassel. It is known for its wine...
The Barony of Palma is part of the Duchy of Fairden and the Kingdom of North Cassel. It consists of a chain of volcanic islands that separates Tornor Bay from the Voltaic Sea.
Reina is one of the four baronies located within the valley of kings. It has large deposits of various gems and has several large impressive ancient structures bult here...
Roy is a Barony in the Valley of Kings, named this because of the many, many tombs of ancient kings dotting the landscape...
The Land of Shrines. This Barony in the Valley of Kings in western North Cassel is a cold, secluded area. the land is littered with thousands of shrines...
Tholos is an island barony located in Eastern Dorias and is part of the Kingdom of North Cassel. The most devastating volcanic eruption in Cassel's history occurred here...
Valier is a barony located in northwest Aeris in the Kingdom of Cassel. It is a mostly flat tree land, notable for its apple orchards and fruit production...
Wheages is a barony in Azure and part of the Kingdom of North Cassel. It has two cities that are important due to the surrounding natural resources...