The Dead Gods Lane Geographic Location in Vitallia | World Anvil
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The Dead Gods Lane

The Dead Gods Lane is a wasteland, a vast and desolate region filled with swamps, dead forests, and poisoned lakes. It is a place of death and destruction, where the Great War between the gods, the Sentinel, and Nedel took place in the First Age of Vitallia. The ground is scarred and blackened, the air is thick with toxic fumes, and the water is poisoned and undrinkable. The land is filled with monsters and undead creatures, twisted and corrupted by the ancient magic that was unleashed during the war. It is an extremely dangerous place, where even the bravest of warriors fear to tread. The ruins of ancient cities and temples can be found scattered throughout the wasteland, reminders of a time when the gods walked the earth. The Dead Gods Lane is a place of mystery and danger, where only the strongest and most daring dare to venture.


The first settlements of mankind were built in the Dead Gods Lane but were utterly destroyed during the peak of the Great War. The toxicity of the land prevented other settlements from ever being built again in the region and all the united tribes that fought in the war migrated to the lands around the Lion Mountains.
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