Gillan Species in Violem | World Anvil
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Gillan are known throughout the lands of Cytal as the sub species of the Water Alum. With their pale blue and pale green scaled skin are a dead giveaway. Along with a variety fins giving them more of an aquatic appearance than any other sentient race. There stand out appearance leads them to stay in the waters or in the shadowy corners of settlements on land.


These water friendly beings have evolved over generations to adapt to life both underwater and above the sea. Gaining the ability to breathe freely in both environments as well as manipulating the element of water at will using the same magic as water Alum. Due to their origins, the Gillan have also gained a tolerance against potions and poisons. This comes as a blessing and a curse for they are unable to be poisoned with traditional brews but healing elixirs have no affect. It would take a very strong potion to cause any real affect to these fish people.  
I cannot speak for them as a whole, but the ones who have sworn an oath to me and this ship are loyal. Fierce warriors and experts at navigating the waters. We simply would not be here without my Gillan sailors.
— Captain Hoarwae



The exact date of when Gillan first swam in the waters of Violem is unsure. But many scholars and historians believe it was sometime in the mid Acuran era. When ancient magic wielders were experimenting with magic, enchantments and alchemy for the first time. A group of water loving Acuran felt compelled to gain the ability to breathe and live underwater and dosed themselves up with various potions and home brewed liquids until they came to the desired outcome. Unfortunately the various potions left the Acuran with permanent transfigurations, giving the Gillan their distinct fish like appearance.  

Water Crusades:

During the age of Exploration, Acuran searched the realms, Sorcerer sailed the seas and Gillan expanded their homes and cities below the surface. Whilst in the process of conquering the seabed, the Gillan came across an underwater waystone leading to another realm full of merfolk, crustaceous beings and shark like warriors. The discovery of this new realm and its people was met with hostility and violence. Leading to the two opposing sides fighting over control of the waystone and later the seas themselves. The conflict spanned over several years, eventually being given the title of the Water Crusades.

Rebels of Oralyn:

In more recent history, a small rebellion of Gillan from one of the underwater cities have gone mad with power and attempted to start a war with the land dwellers. Starting in the city of Oralyn. While their initial attempts were thwarted by heroes, the rebellion is still looming in the background waiting for the next opportunity to strike.


Many of the the underwater cities occupied by Gillan are a secret to land dwellers. A treasured piece of information that Gillan protect with their lives, staying away from the politics of continents such as Ascor and Cytal. What is known can be listed below.   Arid ruins of Al-Sy-Ah: The mythical city of Gillan supposedly buried under the Cytal desert. The story goes that the city was brought to ruins after Aquella, Acuran of the Oceans drained the oceans to defeat the Kra-Ken beast.   Su-Lin-Sioh: The settlement of survivors of the Water Crusades. A dark and haunted city filled with the souls of Gillan, merfolk and other aquatic species. It is suggested the city can be found in the Black Sea, along with shipwreck of Captain Hoarwae, the legendary sailor.   Wae-Vun: One of the only known Gillan cities with a definitive location. North West of Birohhal and a day sail from the coastline. The people of Wae-Vun are more open to the idea of sharing information with other species and often travel to Birohhal to trade information with its various scholars.   Wy-Da-Lae: Home to the invading forces described the Ignea tribes and located somewhere near the continent of Hoarwae.
Level 1 Character Stats:
HP - 10
Inventory - 10
Difficulty Score - 11
Brute - -1
Skulk - 1
Erudite - 0
Magic - 1
Defence - 0
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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