Negator Character in Villain Academy | World Anvil


One of the most trusted sidekicks of Invincible, that however remains largely unknown to the american population as a whole. There is a very serious for that - Negator is, after all, the closest thing that Invincible has to a wet work specialist, the man responsible for doing things that while necessary to save people, are either illegal or would be very unpopular if made public.   This leads to Negator being occassionally seen by those who know about his existence as a villain with a badge. Negator himself doesn't seem to care and is ready to continue doing questionable things for the greater good.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Physically extremely well-trained, capable of going toe-to-toe with special forces operatives. Due to working strange hours appears tired and underslept for most of the time - but expect to be surprised if you think that it makes him an easy target and decide to attack him.

Special abilities

His individuality is Denial. Negator is capable of suppressing or even downright deactivating any individuality within his line of sight. Whether he deactives its entirely or whether it merely loses most of its power depends on the distance from him and the time, with the effect increasing in strenght the longer he continues to stare at his opponent.   Having your ability deactivate isn't immediately obvious to the target unless he or she were actively using it at the time, meaning that he even a larger distance he can suppress and eventually deactivate someone's power before engagement starts. However, his ability doesn't work through scopes, which stops him from becoming a perfect anti-supervillain sniper.   The big thing about Denial is that it doesn't work only through eyesight. It renders Negator utterly invulnerable to majority of individualities. All invidualities attempting to influence him are instantly depowered. Seer's World of God refuses to account for him in its answers. Mind-control fails. Illusions do not work. Invincible's telekinetic blades vanish on contact with his skin. Even a straight super-strength punch will be instantly depowered to a normal human strength punch, losing all of its additional impact strength.   He remains vulnerable to being struck with a super-strength used in combo with physical strength (like, a baseball bat). Deactivating fire individuality on contact will do nothing to extinguish the flames, who are misidentified by his individuality as a 'natural' phenomenon.

Apparel & Accessories

He is normally wearing a white shirt with black tie and a set of suit pants, however you CAN expect him to always have a bulletproof vest somewhere close to him to put on if things start getting hairy. When he expects combat, he appears in full combat gear that makes him barely distinguishable from a modern special forces operative.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Negator started his career as a CIA operative, participating in a number of international operations during an age of rampant political tensions that very nearly led to the outbreak of the Fourth World War (and can still, theoretically, escalate into one). He continued doing this for a while even after his individuality manifested, earning a combination of fame and infamy within the agency for being both ruthless and effective.   He was eventually asked to change his line of work following the government becoming increasingly aware of Archvile's presence and danger level, leading to him being 'handed' to Invincible, who was considered to be the head of the special task force created to pursue the supervillain. Negator couldn't do that while remaining a part of the CIA (due to CIA being forbidden from operating within the United States), so he ended up becoming a hero.   Negator proved to be just as ruthlessly effective as ever in that work, while being extremely skillful in things such as blackmail or getting rid of evidence. He also seems to have developed certain degree of fondness towards the job, as he remained part of Invincible's entourage even after Archvile's death.

Intellectual Characteristics

Highly intelligent, but emotionally cold and withdrawn. This is a bit of a dangerous combination.

Morality & Philosophy

Negator is a proud believer that ends justify the means, although he is moral enough to realize that sometimes there is such a thing as too steep of a price for something - a rule that seemed to be scarcely involved when pursuit of Archvile was involved. Nowadays he remains morally restrained by Invincible, who is making sure that Negator doesn't go too far.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Highly experienced conventional combatant. Marksman with a profficiency in several weapons. Weapon expert, who can create improvised explosives practically at will. Master at stealth, capable of sneaking upon a lot of people out there. His individuality also gives him an edge against villains who don't know who he is, letting him suprise them and promptly arrest them.
His combat skills are top notch - for a 'normal' human. He is at a massive disadvantage against villains who know who he is, and against some that have powers that naturally counter his - such as a toxic gas user whose gas cloud suppresses his eyesight. He also can't offer a lot when faced with natural disasters or accidents.

General Information

Alignment: Hero
Rank: Sidekick
Class: Support/Combatant
Threat Rating: S
Type: Sidekick
Location: District Columbia


Year of Birth
2123 37 Years old
Black, long, typically rather messy.


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