Sylvan Enclave Organization in Vhakatshũ | World Anvil
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Sylvan Enclave

The Sylvan Enclave has slowly and continuously grown in power since before the dawn of humanity. Staying within forests, the wood elves of the Enclave have become so interconnected with trees that neither can exist without the other. The story of the Cypress Queen's rise to power cements this connection since wood elves claim to be responsible for the origin of trees. The Cypress Queen can see everything that goes on within her realm and can communicate with the leaders of the forest tribes through the interconnected roots of their land.   Across the world, there are various tribes from the Enclave, connected to different heart trees and exhibiting different traits and cultures. While these groups are often forced to obey the laws of other nations, their primary allegiance is to the Cypress Queen and her doctrines. Every tree exists as the progeny of a wood elf, so every forest was created by them and is their responsibility. Anyone who pushes too far against a heart tree will find themself a target of the trees.   The Enclave's primary forest, the Forest of the Verdant Crown, is always growing, especially through the use of magic. The Enclave expands its territory not only by creating new heart trees but by terraforming the lands beyond its borders into more forest. This, of course, breeds conflict with other nations who lose valuable territory, but the Enclave is a difficult force to push against. Through their knowledge of trees and archery and their natural camouflage, they have an advantage in any forested terrain, even a newly created forest within a town.


Each individual tribe within the Enclave represents one of the trees in the forest, with Cypress Queen representing the Cypress, the first and strongest of all the trees. Each tribe is led by one of the trees' avatars, connecting that group with that tree. The greatest honor any member of the Enclave can attain is becoming a Heart Tree for women and achieving the rank of Lotus Guard for men. Those identifying as something in-between the two can seek out either option. Heart Trees are wood elves who created a new tree (the tree is also called a Heart Tree). Lotus Guards are the powerful protectors of the Heart Trees, who serve at their command. Lotus Guards can be found in Cypress Grove as the main guards and can also be found accompanying Heart Trees through their territory.


The Sylvan Enclave is matrilineal and matriarchal. All members of the Cypress Coven are female-identifying and pledge loyalty to the Cypress Queen. Familial descent is also traced through the mother's side. Division of labor occurs between genders. Male wood elves are the warriors, scouts, and guards; women are rulers, druids, and crafters. Those born or identifying somewhere in between can freely move between the two roles. This division of labor is traced back to the story of The First Tree.
One of the most important holidays is the Festival of the Lotus Flower, which is a celebration and memorial for the dead.

Demography and Population

Most of the Sylvan Enclave's population is wood elves since it is their native land. Other races have been drawn to the land in one way or another though, either by assimilating into the society after their home was taken or by moving into the forest out of love for the lifestyle and ideology. A small contingent of humans roams the forest, grouped together for safety and protection by the Cypress Queen. The only population that cannot be found in the Sylvan Enclave is artificials, as they are considered unnatural beings which are not allowed to survive in the forests of the Sylvan Enclave.


The Sylvan Enclave owns all of its 'official' native land, though it considers the entire world to be its native land. Anything their forest expands into is theirs by self-made right and is difficult for other nations to reobtain.


The Sylvan Enclave's military is very informal. There is no official military organization, but most of the nation's citizens are willing to fight to defend their home. Any group may be called on at a moment's notice by members of the Cypress Coven to fight an invading force (or expel people from their homes, now surrounded by forest).

Foreign Relations

The Sylvan Enclave maintains few relations with other nations, as it has very little reason to do so. Any trade done with foreigners usually comes in the form of a one-time trade deal for provisions, taking place between small groups. Even so, the Cypress Coven is willing to accept and listen to diplomats but rarely accepts their requests or demands. The Sylvan Enclave has a very hostile opinion of Kaldunsk, due to their neglect of the natural world and mutual hostility. As ancient enemies, the Sylvan Enclave and Kumatori both have a strong hostility towards each other.  
Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Barter system
Official Languages
Related Traditions
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Myths




The Maritime Principalities take advantage of some trees for profit, but fear the Enclave's possible retribution

The Sylvan Enclave slowly spreads through the Republic's territory, but the Republic is little concerned about its growth since ancient treaties allow their people to use the wood for housing.


Cold War


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