Cypress Queen Character in Vhakatshũ | World Anvil
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Cypress Queen

Queen Cypress (a.k.a. The Cypress Queen)

The secretive and elusive Cypress Queen, ruler of the Sylvan Enclave, has been alive since time immemorial. She is brutal towards her enemies and forgiving towards her supporters. While her empire mostly contains wood elves who are native to the forest, she is accepting of anyone who enters her domain with the intent to aid her or simply marvel at her forest.   Her ultimate goal is to spread her forest as far across the world as possible. Only those who support her or comply with the Enclave are those she deems worthy of living in her 'Terra Sylvania'. Dissenters will be forced out. They have no place in her world.   Very little is known about the Cypress Queen, her motives, or her past. For most in the Sylvan Enclave, this doesn't matter. Her reputation and power are enough for them to follow her and trust her judgement.   The Cypress Queen is not a god. She nearly has the power of one and has followers that regard her as one, but she has no concern over becoming a god, believing that it may weaken her more than help her.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Power over the entire Forest of the Verdant Crown. The Cypress Queen knows everything that goes on within her forest and if an unexpected visitor arrives, she keeps a close eye on them.

Personality Characteristics


The Cypress Queen wants to see the whole world encircled in her forests, where she can watch and control all that goes on. With the fall of the Empire of Man, she seeks its crown not as a means of becoming a new empire, but because it will gain her more supporters, who will venture to her forests and join her in spreading the forest to the ends of the world.   Her motive for doing so is unknown, but many theorize as to why. Some say the forest reminds her of a distant past only she remembers and she wishes to return the world to that state. Others attribute it to a lost lover, an otherworldly bargain gone wrong, and much more.


Contacts & Relations

The Cypress Queen is in constant communication with The Cypress Coven , who do her bidding exactly as she commands in order to spread her influence and power.

Family Ties

The Cypress Queen's family died out long ago, lost to the ages. Though her past is shrouded in mystery, many theorize as to her lineage. Some say she bore a child for one of the first emperors of the Empire of Man, thus giving her an irrefutable right to the throne. Others say every wood elf in the world is her progeny, using this in tandem with the elves' shared human ancestry to explain her right to the throne of the Empire. Still others say she was once a wood elf like everyone else before uniting the forest and the elves as one, having parents who were simple wood elves as well. The Cypress Queen has never confirmed any of these.

Social Aptitude

The Cypress Queen is reclusive and spiteful. To her followers, she is compassionate, caring, and loving. She will dote on those she meets and treat them with the care they deserve. But to everyone else, she is their enemy, regardless of how she may appear. She is paranoid, deceitful, and cold. They are her prey, meant to be crushed underneath her might and turned into fertilizer for the great forests of her domain.


Regardless of who she is speaking to, she says very little. She prefers to speak with actions and plots rather than with words.


Welsh Accent

Wealth & Financial state

The Cypress Queen owns very little. She bears no jewelry or overextravagant clothing and has no treasure vaults. She owns magic items that are special to her, but even these may be given out to important people in the Enclave.
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Her Verdant Majesty, Her Sylvan Might, Heart of the Forest
Date of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
She was prophesied to lead a great empire.
Forest of the Verdant Crown
Current Residence
Bright green
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Sylvan, Old Imperial, New Imperial, Elven


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