Tharkenwood Organization in Vhakatshũ | World Anvil
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Much of Tharkenwood has been heavily damaged by The War of the Coast. The land in southern Tharkenwood still reels from the effects of the war, which has left it devoid of life. Many of the fey that populate the southern forest have been corrupted by the aftereffects of the war, making the forest nearly inhospitable.   Originally a region used for arcane and scientific experiments by researchers serving under the Empire, Tharkenwood has begun to focus more on technological research, shying away from the dangers of magic. Tharkenwood remains the location of the headquarters of the Society for the Advancement of High Technology, which is now the ruling organization in Tharkenwood. After the fall of the Empire, the various cities of Tharkenwood were left on their own to survive and pick up the pieces left behind from the war, despite being ruled by the merchant princes in the Maritime Principalities. This led many of them to start working together, sharing in labor and resources as needed, and, due to the high gnomish population and the artificials, found technology to be their savior. Uniting together under the Tharkenwood Charter, the various cities rose up in war against the Principalities, inspired by the prior independence war of Kaldunsk. Platenica Adva was constructed as the new capital, on the western bank of [LAKE].   Tharkenwood thrives off of its innovation--- much of its land is inhospitable and completely unusable for any kind of farming or grazing, so they have to rely on trade. Luckily, in a world full of war and conflict, their innovations are always needed. Some brand them as war profiteers, taking advantage of the countless deaths and using it to fuel their own greed. Tharkenwood has no intention of doing so, however, and would argue that their research--- and its continued support from other nations--- is invaluable not only to its populations' survival but to the survival of the world as a whole. They would also argue that if this were true, the vast array of inventions they keep to themselves would all be publicly accessible for use by anyone.   While magic is not outright banned in Tharkenwood, it is heavily restricted and most of the nation's citizens have grown to fear and despise it. Despite this, Tharkenwood heavily relies on magic to create most of their technology with the help of Musmizh.

Demography and Population

As the original homeland of Mishon and a land inhospitable to many races, Tharkenwod is a haven for the Artificials. Other races that have an affinity for creation are quite common here, such as gnomes, goblins (which usually arrive in Tharkenwod as immigrants from Kaldunsk), and anyone from other races with an eye for innovation. As in any nation, there are humans present but they are few and far between (though they tend to be some of the best innovators around).

Foreign Relations

Tharkenwod as a whole tends to be quite willing to share their discoveries with the world, believing that innovation is what will bring everyone together and reunite the empire. This does not mean they are naïve in their diplomatic relations, however. Tharkenwod's engineers are very methodic about how and when their creations are shared with others. Technology is technology in Tharkenwod; it is not good or bad in and of itself, but the powers that wield that technology can easily change that. For this reason, Tharkenwod has kept advancements like the Steam Rail secret.

Trade & Transport

Tharkenwod is responsible for the invention of the Steam Rail and has shared the secrets of its creation with nobody, leaving themselves a major advantage against their enemies in Lagrast.
Geopolitical, Technocracy
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Neighboring Nations
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