Society for the Advancement of High Technology Organization in Vhakatshũ | World Anvil
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Society for the Advancement of High Technology

The Society for the Advancement of High Technology (AKA the SAHT) is a society of artificers and artificials who share new discoveries and innovations among themselves, seeking to advance high technology for the entire world. Entry into the society requires some proficiency in high technology, its history, its making, or its principles. Acolytes of Mishon are welcomed into the SAHT as well, in order to ensure that his tenets are followed.   The SAHT and the Mages' Alliance are neither rivals nor allies. At times they may compete for the same technologies or research, and at other times they may work together. Most of the time, though, they operate independently from each other. The SAHT operates much more secretly and seldom gets involved in conflicts directly.   The SAHT stores all of its information in its library, which is accessible to anyone. Many countries despise this, as they want to have new technologies for themselves to gain a leg up in their conflicts. Despite being in Nar Minohn, a very isolated and heavily defended city, the SAHT library is accessible to all.
Educational, Scientific Institute
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