Sunless Citadel Settlement in Vestra | World Anvil

Sunless Citadel

The citadel was once the home of a group of dragonpriests who worshipped Ninsidra. Because of their insular nature, and their acknowledgement of him as leigelord, Kelveren left them mostly alone. At the end of the War of the Mad the entire structure collapsed when the ravine opened up underneath it.

Much is unknown about the events after the Cataclysm, but eventually both kobolds and goblins established colonies in the ruins. At first, there was enough room for all with only the occasional skirmish between the races. 

Deep in the ruins the goblins discovered an ancient tree, blackened and twisted. Due to its malignant nature the goblins avoided it for the most part, but did not destroy it for one reason. Twice a year, this tree bore a single fruit. One, appearing near Midsummer is a perfect blood red apple; consuming this apple restores health and cures disease.  The Midwinter fruit on the other hand was a withered apple the color of bleached bone; this fruit poisons the eater.

For years the goblins kept the summer apple for themselves, but in 480 an enterprising clan chief sent scouts to the village of Oakhurst to sell the apple. Skeptical at first, the villagers soon learned of the fruits power and as the goblins continued to come and began offering considerable gold for the it.

Things changed again in 486, when drawn by rumors of this magical fruit, the mad druid Belak the Outcast sought out the Sunless Citadel and this ancient Gulthias Tree. After forcing his way through the goblins, he began to study the tree and experiment. With his encouragement, the goblins began hounding the kobolds even more. 

This was the state of things when a party of adventurers, sent by Watcher Gelestro Dusthelm himself, discovered Belak and his mad plans. Sent to discover why the goblins had been attacking farms and settlements, the party killed Durnn, but learned of the Outcast. 

Defeating the druid and destroying the tree, the party saved a young human girl, found a more reasonable goblin leader and secured peace for all parties.