Session 3 - Meanwhile, back at the farm Report in Vestra | World Anvil

Session 3 - Meanwhile, back at the farm

General Summary

18 Planting, 498 TA

The road east was uneventful, although as the morning progressed dark, heavy storm clouds began filling the sky. There was no rain yet, but it wouldn’t be long. As the party neared the farm, the clanging of steel could be heard coming from that direction. Spurring the horses to a gallop the party charged towards the conflict that they could now see that there were a couple of goliaths and a hobgoblin attacking. An tall half-elven man, most likely Simiran Lorifiel, has managed to hold them off so far but seems to be tiring and losing ground.

After a quick appraising glance Janora turned to the rest of the party, “Well folks, looks like our help might be needed. Shall we?”

Quickly agreeing the party started to move closer. As they got to within 20-30 feet of the fight the Shin’a’in mares locked legs and refused to move any closer to the danger ahead. Janora and Denye both dismounted and as Denye did so she gave the horse a reassuring pat and said “Stay” in Tayledras. The horses only response was to sniff at Denye’s headfeathers and then give a soft whooof through its nose. Jilken also dismounted and turned her horse sideways so she could use it as a shooting platform.

Denye shot a warning fireball at the feet of the scouts, shouting “You no longer have numerical superiority, go away!” The hobgoblin looked a bit shaken, the scouts just gave a moment’s glance in Denye’s direction before returning their attention to Simiran.

Jilken seeing that they clearly weren’t listening, shot the hobgoblin in the throat. As the goblinoid fell to the ground Jilken added her own warning, “Drop your weapons now!” Strangely neither goliath seemed to really react to the dead hobgoblin, other than one turning a contemptuous look at the dead body.

Janora circled around for a better shot and pulling out their sling, hit one of the goliaths right between the eyes. With a look of confusion and incredulity the goliath fell to the ground with a slam.

Simiiran took a moment to glance at the dead foes and then back up at the remaining scout. “Sure you still want to do this?” Receiving only a grunt in reply, the half-elf gave a half-hearted swing of his sword, completely missing the scout, and then backed up a bit to protect his flock of chirra.

Ell, annoyed that the party had already killed two of these intruders but recognizing that that they were a threat pulled out his dart and tossed it at the remaining scout. Unfortunately his horse chose that moment to shy to the left causing the missile to fly harmlessly over the goliath’s shoulder. Annoyed now at the horse, Ell dismounted and moved to stand next to Janora.

With a roar of frustration at the way this battle had turned the goliath charged Simiran, swingin his axe wildly. Seeing this, Denye moved forward and cast another firebolt at the feet of the scout. As she did so she yelled, “I’m sorry, go on, get out, this is a misunderstanding, I’m trying to save your life.” For a moment, the goliath looked shaken.

Jilken quickly followed up with her own two cents, “You’re clearly outnumbered, whatever your business here it’s done. Now git...or you’ll get the same.”

As Janora cast Dancing Lights in the shape of a humanoid, rushing out toward the goliath and Ell cast another bonfire cutting off the party’s sight of the enemy, the goliath, now realizing that it was clearly outnumbered, turned and fled back into the tree line.

With a grateful shout Simiran yelled after it, “And don’t try coming back for my chirra. These animals ain’t for you.” Turning to the party he was effusive with thanks for the assistance. After a few moments he invited the group up to the house. The party was appreciative but wanted to look over the bodies to see if they could learn anything about these attackers. Simiran nodded, saying “Well, come on in when you are ready. I need to go let Ma and the kids know that I’m alright.” With that he began heading back to the open palisade gate with a not-quite-run.

Denye rushed over to the two bodies to see if there was anything that could be done to stabilize the downed enemies but they were clearly gone. Realizing that they weren’t going to get any information that way, Jilken, Ell and Janora started going over the pockets and pouches to see if they could find anything that way. They did indeed, finding a spell scroll for Draconic, a set of thieves' tools, and a note written in Giant. The note had a wax seal of a five-rayed eclipsed sun with an upside down ziggurat.

Gathering up the horses and heading down to the farmstead the party found Simiran standing in the doorway with his wife and two kids. Offering thanks again, Simiran asked what brought the party out this way. Jilken replied saying that they had heard there had been some trouble out this way and were looking for more information.

Simiran’s reply was stoic, “Oh aye, I’ve lost near half-dozen of my flock to whatever it is coming out of those hills. And it t’ain’t the goblins….they can’t do nothing like what this thing does.” He starts walking towards the gate. “Come’re I wanna show y'all sumthing.”

The half-elf led the party around to something laying on the ground, covered in an oilskin tarp, just outside the gate. Pulling back the tarp, Simiran asked, “Could goblins do something like this?” and pointed to a withered, dried husk of a chirra, its body clearly punctured numerous times. Strangely, there was very little blood on the body.

Denye and Jilken agree that it looks like the magic they had seen on the road earlier, those twig monsters that attacked them after they left Oakhurst.

Simiran seemed surprised, “Y’all have seen them?”

“Not exactly, but we’ve seen other signs of the same magic,” corrected Denye.

As she says this however the threatened storm finally breaks with a an enormous crash of thunder. As the rain started pouring down Simiran threw a quick worried look out towards the pastures. He turned back to the group and asked, “I hate to impose on you again, but do you think you could help me get the chirra into the barn. This much rain ain’t good fur their coats.”

Agreeing to help, the party successfully rounded them all up and got them safely into the barn. Offered shelter until the storm broke they were also able to settle their horses in a couple of spare looseboxes. Following Simiran inside, the party found that Simiran’s wife, Dortha, had laid out the table with some shepherds pie as well as fresh baked bread, butter, and a soft white, creamy cheese.

After the first mad rush of the truly hungry everyone sat back and Simiran picked up the conversation from earlier. “So where did you hear about these things?”

Denye perks up and unravels the tale starting with Watcher Gelestro and the job of stopping the goblin raids thru the visit to Oakhurst stopping when she came to the apples. With a cock of her head she asked Simiran, “Do you know anything about the apples?”

As she was speaking Simiran got a dazed look in his eyes at the onslaught of information. It took a moment for him to register that there was a question. “Oh aye, I bought one of them goblin apples a couple of years ago. Can’t say I’m too proud of it, but I paid that dang goblin 40 gold for. But it was for my girl ya’know.” Reaching over to tossel the 8 yr old’s blond hair, he related the story of how she had gotten sick and while the fever broke her lungs had been damaged. Eating half the apple had cured her and now she was as healthy as any child.

As the party made general noises of agreement, Denye said, “We think, or at least I think, that whatever was making those apples grow all big and healthy has gotten infected and is now making monsters that do that,” pointing in the general direction of the husk.

The half-elf just shrugged his shoulders and said, “Well, I hope y’all know what you are doing. The goblins weren’t bad neighbors before, I can’t say as I know what got them so ornery. But if something went wrong with their magic tree, that could be it.”

Silence followed that statement till Jilken, shifting slightly in her seat asked, “Do you know where the goblin settlement is? We’ve heard it’s something called the Sunless Citadel.”

Simiran nodded, “They live in the Barren Hills. Go back to the crossroads and take the road south. About 20 miles down, look for a rock that looks like a finger. To the left is a goat track, follow that back about 100 yards and you’ll find the ravine. I’m pretty sure that’s where the hobgoblin was from. He had some of the same tribe markings.”

Jilken nodded and pulled out the note with the seal. Passing it over to Simiran she asked if he knew anything about it. Shaking his head he passed it back to Jilken and suggested that they ask Wayfinder Shalana Emorin in Wexwood.

“Speaking of Wexwood, you said you met with the Watcher, did he say anything about problems to the north?” asked Simiran.

Janora shook their head, “He might have, I wasn’t exactly listening to a lot of that.”

Denye nodded, ”He didn’t say much, but the reason he hired us instead of sending Woodguard was that there was activity up north. Some of the goliaths and orc tribes as well as others seemed to be gathering a war camp.”

With a start she sat straight up. “Wait a minute, the goblins in the south are acting up, and so are the goliaths in the north. We saw them working together today…..what if they have a larger plan together.” With a sigh Jilken said, “I knew that we shouldn’t have let that one get away.”

“Or we shouldn’t have killed them at all. Now they will be angry at us,” chirped Denye. “I’d like to avoid doing that in the future. Who knows what kind of problems this could create for the future.”

Jilken frowned, “They were attacking this place. These people would have been slaughtered if we hadn’t been here.”

“That doesn’t mean we had to kill them,” Denye shot back. “Let’s at least try to talk to the enemy and find out why they are attacking. Maybe we can find some way to achieve a peaceful solution.

The party generally agrees with that, at least for a first attempt. After that the conversation moved on as Simiran told the group about his time in the Woodguard and meeting Dortha as well as some stories about life in the Pass.

As the meal and conversation wind down Simiran stood and moved toward the window. Looking outside he said, “Well, it looks like the rain has stopped and the clouds are breaking up. You're welcome to stay the night, although you'd have to sleep in the barn.

With a polite smile Janora declined the offer, “We appreciate that. But I think we all would prefer to keep moving for the day.”

Walking y'all out the barn and your waiting horses, Simiran says, “Now don’t go forgetting those directions. Head back to the south road and roundabout 15 miles down the road you should see a rock that looks like a finger.”

The party made it to the crossroads and turned south without incident. As they rode south, the green and rocky hills to the west gave way to hills that sported no vegetation. In fact, everything as far as the eye could see looked barren and dull, ashy gray.

An hour or two after turning south, Janora heard a noise among the rocks along the road. Calling the party to a halt, Janora dismounted and moved to investigate. Nearing the area, they see there's a hole under one of the rocks. Jilken moved up to have a better look as well. As they moved closer to get a better look, a large Firesnake slithered out from the hole. Bringing it’s head almost level with Janora’s own, it opened its hood and let out a crackling hiss.

Jilken pulled out her heavy crossbow, but held the shot until the snake made a move. Which it did almost immediately, rushing at Janora with another furious hiss. Jilken’s bolt hit the thick skin along the back and ricoheted into the rocks along the roadside in the same moment as Janora skipped back and to the side evading the snake’s rush.

Denye cast Magic Missile directly at the beast’s face, causing it to rear again and then back away a little bit as Janora, having a moment to react, pulled out their flute and attempted to charm the snake. While it certainly seemed to confuse the firesnake, it also did not seem to calm it. Ell attempted to hit it with a dart, but had the same problem with the tough skin as Jilken.

While the snake is distracted, Jilken shot another bolt into the softer underbelly, the shaft breaking as the snake’s body slammed into the ground. With another angry hiss, the snake threw itself at Jilken and turning quickly slammed it’s flaming tail into Jilken almost knocking her out of the saddle. Denye threw another Magic Missile at the beast, hitting it in the side of the head. Bleeding profusely from several wounds now, the snake’s gaze traveled from party member to party member, still unwilling to give ground.

With a sigh, Janora dropped the flute and grabbed their dogstaff, slammed the large mastiff face into the top of the firesnake’s head with two hands. With a muffled WOOF, the snake crumples to the ground. The party watches as the flames slowly fade out and the firesnake’s body begins to cool.

Denye moved over to look in the lair that the snake had come out of. Her sharp bird eyes caught the glint of something shiny. Not wanting to reach into the dark hole, Denye cast Mage Hand and pulled out a small gold ring with a fancy pattern of leaves engraved around the band. Not knowing quite what it is, it does seem familiar in some way and she tucked it into her pouch for later examination.

After a quick examination of the body, Jilken decided it wasn’t edible and remounted her horse. The rest of the party followed suit. As Janora did so, they muttered about the lack of proper bottles. Quickly resuming their journey, the party continued on down the road.

The sun was beginning it’s descent by the time the party found the stone that the half-elven farmer had told them about. Denye was lost in a story she had started to tell. She had chased so many tangents that she had forgotten her point, but she was convinced that if she kept talking she would find it again.

Janora, who had only been half-listening at best, suddenly let out a loud laugh which silenced Denye. Turning to look at the rest of the party they said, “Well, there’s the rude rock.” Indeed it was, a tall slender spire of stone on top of a larger stone, looking to all the world like a giant middle finger.

Finding the goat path alongside the stone, the party made their way into the Barren Hills. The horses are a little skittish about some of the footing, it's shale and a little rocky but they pick their way through. After about a half a mile or so the path opens up to a flat clearing among the hills, next to a deep ravine at one end. Several broken pillars jut from the earth where the ravine widens. Two of the pillars stand straight but mostly lean or fallen completely, into the dark depths. A few pillars in similar states were visible on the opposite side of the ravine as well.

On one of the pillars, near the end of the path, there was a sturdy knotted rope tied to one of the leaning pillars dropped down into the ravine. As far as you can tell, the ravine seems to run for several miles in either direction with an average width of about 30 to 40 feet between the two sides.

Investigating the pillars, Jilken found that several had been covered in graffiti, not being able to read it, but thinking it might be Dwarvish, she called Janora over to take a look. The runes carved into the rock were definitely Dwarvish, but it doesn’t actually make any sense.

With a puzzle air Janora turned to Jilken and said “I think it’s maybe some sort of puzzle, or maybe some information is missing, but it doesn’t make any damn sense at all.” Going back to their horse for some paper, Janroa quickly translated the Dwarvish runes into Common letters looking for some kind of pattern. Ell wanders over and looked over Janora’s shoulder at the page of notes. With a little chuckle he said, “Oh yeah, that’s totally Goblin. seems like the goblins don’t want visitors here as these are all warnings and threats.”

Janora raised an eyebrow at that pronouncement and asked, “So what is our goal here, what are we trying to accomplish?”

“Watcher Gelestro hired us to find the goblins and get them to stop raiding,” said Denye. “My suspicion is that the food supplies that they were relying on and sharing with the village has gone bad somehow.”

“So, we are on a diplomatic mission here more than anything martial, correct?” Janora responded. “Does that change how we approach? Don’t we have to respect their wish not to move forward into their territory?”

“Maybe we could send some kind of signal to get their attention,” suggested Denye.

Stepping over to cliff edge Janora peered into the ravine, but could not make out much as the sun had almost set, and was completely obscured in the valley. As they stood there looking the ground under Janora’s boot started to give way and they backed up quickly to avoid a fall. Jilken also stepped up to the edge and was able to make out some kind of platform about 50ft down and stairs descending into the darkness.

“We could always write a message in Goblin, tie it to a rock and then toss it down,” suggested Ell. Denye opened her beak in a bird grin. “We could also make it glow so that it would be easy for them to see.” After the party agreed that this was a sound plan, Ell wrote out a short note and tied it a rock. Denye took the rock, cast Light on it and handed it to Jilken who tossed it out into the stairs where it rolled down to a second landing below.. At that distance it was hard to make out any of the surrounding area, just the pinprick of light in a sea of black.

After that the party got busy around setting up camp. Every once in a while one of the group would walk over and glance down to see if the lit rock is still there. After about an hour the light faded, with no sign that the note had been noticed or picked up.

Deciding that they would wait for daylight, the party made dinner, set watches and settled in for the night. The night passes in relative peace, until just before dawn the campsite is attacked by four of the twig blights.

The first blight rushes out of the darkness straight for Jilken’s back slamming it’s needle claws into her shoulder. The second went for Janora, asleep in their bedroll, but the blight missed, burying its claws into the dirt by their head. This of course wakes Janora who sits up, looking around with a bit of momentary confusion. The third and fourth twig monster go for Denye and Ell, but both clorafiends miss. Denye takes a step back and while yelling for Ell to wake up, she turns the twig blight that tried to attack her into a candle. Jilken pulled the twig blight's arm off her back and attempted to cast Shocking Grasp. Unfortunately as a being made out of wood, the electricity just grounded itself into the earth.

Jumping into action, Janora grabbed the arm that was still embedded in the ground and cast Touch of Flame. It burned the arm, but this blight seemed to not react in quite the same way as the one Denye had lit up. Ell seeing the general success with flames cast Create Bonfire and a second twig blight went up like a torch.

Denye quickly cast another Firebolt at the monster that Janora had already burned and this time it too burst into flames. Ell tried to catch the fourth blight with another bonfire, but it jumps back out of the flames. Seeing that Denye bent her claw one more time and sent out a third Firebolt destroying the creature. The party took a moment to catch their breath, listening for the sound of more rustling or movement in the darkness outside the glow of the campfire embers. When nothing more attacked them, Ell and Janora settled down to sleep for another couple of hours, while Jilken and Denye continued their watch.

Looking over the ravine edge, Jilken spotted something might have been movement in the courtyard far below, that was now becoming visible in the pre-dawn gloom. Turning to Denye, she asked, “Want to try that light trick again?”

In reply, Denye picked up a clawfull of smaller stones, cast light on all of them, and threw them over the edge. Like stars falling from the heavens, the little glowing rocks landing along the stairwell and into the courtyard before.

They both watched, looking for one of the lights to wink out momentarily, but there was no response and no further sign of moment. With that Jilken went to go meditate for a time while Denye finished out the watch.

19 Planting, 498 TA

After everyone woke up the party got ready for their descent. Packing up camp, they left the horses tied on long lead ropes with water and browse nearby. Looking around for tracks, they spotted the rope that was tied to one of the pillars hanging down into the ravine. Judging from its condition, the rope couldn't have been tied there longer than four or five weeks ago.

Looking over the edge of the ravine, Denye’s sharp eyes spotted some weathered handholds and footholds carved into the face leading down to that platform. Janora volunteered to go first, but slipped about half way down falling to the ledge below. As Jilken and Ell began their descent, Denye jumped off the side and glided down to land on the platform next to Janora.

In the soft morning light, the party found themselves on a sandy ledge overlooking a subterranean depth that even now was shrouded in shadow and darkness. The ledge is wide and rough, covered in sand, rocky debris, and bones of small animals. A rough hewn stairway zigzagged from the ledge and down the side of the cavern wall descending down to what looked like a courtyard down below.

Ell walked over and picked up the note they had written the night before, muttering, “We don’t want to leave this for others to find.”

Denya looked over at Janora who was sitting up and rubbing their back, letting loose a soft string of colorful and inventive curses. asked. Denye asked, “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, just winded,” was the terse reply. Looking around Janora noticed that they had landed near an old ring of stones that looked as if it held the accumulated ash of hundreds of fires, although no fire has been lit there recently as far as you can tell. In the ash pit they found a few Goblin spear tips and a few small animal bones which they quickly pocketed.

Looking at the stairs leading down, they seemed sound. Each step was about 5ft wide, so the chance of falling was slight. Making their way down, they found a couple of landing where the stairs would switch back.

As the party descended, they could start to make out some hints of what lies below. What they found was a fortress emerging out of the darkness. A subterranean citadel that though impressive, seems long forgotten and in bad repair, if the lightless windows, cracked crenellations, and leaning towers are any indication. All is quiet, although a cold breeze blows up from below, bringing the scent of dust along with a faint trace of rock.

Seeing the dark, lifeless stone before them Denye let out a quiet caw and said, “I think these goblins may be long gone. There might be other things living down here….or not living.”

As the party reached the end of the stairs, they found themselves standing at the edge of a small courtyard. It stretched north and south for 30-40ft and looked to be composed of a layer of crumbling, treacherous masonry. To the west loomed the surviving structure of what must be the Sunless Citadel. Directly across the courtyard is a tower, broken off after a couple of stories, with a door leading inside.

Scouting ahead Jilken made her way over the piles of rubble, masonry shifting under her feet. As she neared a cleared area in front of the door she triggered a trapdoor that dropped her into a 10ft hole.

Unfortunately, the pit trap was not empty, a giant rat stood in one corner, chittering wildly. It attempted to attack Jilken, but she managed to fend it off with her dagger and quickly dispatched the starving beast.

Denye and the others quickly crossed the courtyard, or as quickly as they could in the difficult terrain, over to where they had seen Jilken disappear. Looking down Denye caught the final stroke of Jilken’s blade. Now that the threat was dealt with they all had a chance to look around and with the trapdoor still standing open it was easy to see the small ledge on one side. Jilken attempted to push the giant rat up onto the ledge, but it was too slippery with all the blood. Eventually she gave up and pulled herself onto the ledge and led the way into the fortress.

This first room was a large circular chamber, cobbled with cracked granite, upon which sprawled the bodies of three goblins. A fourth is pinned to the wall by a spear. Looking around, there are doors in the northwest and southwest. Examining the bodies, it appeared they had been killed by conventional weapons. One had several arrows in its chest and the other two looked to have cuts from a long blade. Pulling the spear out of the pinned goblin to allow the body to slump to the floor, revealed something carved into the stone wall in Draconic.

Remembering that spell scroll they had gotten earlier Janora pulled it out and started reading it. As they did so the words and symbols on the page began to glow with a faint red light. As they finished reading the spell, the paper burst into flames.

Going up to the wall Janora ran their hand along the runes. Turning to look at Denye, they asked, “If I see a dragon name on the wall should I say out loud?”

Denye cocked her head in thought, “Hmm, that’s a good question.” After a moment she pulls out paper, pen, and ink and says, “Write it down... just to be safe.”

Taking the paper Janora quickly scribbled the name Ninsidra. Handing it back to Denye, they asked “So what do you think? Do you know that name or any dragon lore?”

Denye’s perked up, “I’ve read some about dragons. There haven’t been any Ellebore for several hundred years. Although...there are rumors of dragons in the south of Umberfell. But no...I don’t recognize the name.”

Looking around Janora searched for any more writing, but found nothing. Turning back to Denye they said, “Well, no matter what I’m not saying this until I know more. I’ve been a witch long enough to know better than that.”

Ell turned to examine the doors. “Do we want to try exploring a bit more, which door do we want to try. Walking up to the southwest door, Janora found it unlocked and pushed it open. The masonry walls of this 20 foot wide hall were in very poor repair. The far end had collapsed, filling the southern section with rubble. The western wall seemed to be in better shape than the other walls. In the center of that wall was a large door with a roaring dragon head in bas relief. In the dragon’s mouth is a single keyhole.

Deciding not to try to pick the lock, the party returned to the tower room and tried the other door. It lead into a hallway moving further into the structure. Entering the next room the party found an irregularly shaped crumbling chamber, with crudely executed symbols and glyphs, scribed in bright green dye, decorate one wall. A large pit in the center showed evidence of a recent fire. A metallic cage in the middle of the southern wall had one side broken open and stood empty. A small wooden bench draped with green cloth is next to the cage, and several small objects rest on it. A bedroll lay in the corner near the wooden bench, and the sound of whimpering was coming from inside it.

Janora stepped forward and crouched down next to the sobbing blanket the stopped for a moment to try to tell what kind of creature was making the noise but couldn’t really hear anything identifying.

Looking at the green sigils Ell asked, “Anybody know what those markings say? I think it’s more Draconic.” Janora looked up, “It says ‘Here be dragons’. I don’t have a clue what it means.”

Turning back to the blanket they whipped it off, revealing a small, red kobold curled into a tight ball. As he registers that the blanket has been removed, he uncurls slightly and looks up at Janora and stammers, “What….what do you want?

“We’re just looking around, trying to figure out what’s happened here,” replied Janora.

Stepping up beside them, Denye added, “We’re here to help. What...what happened?”

“Goblins! Goblins stole my clans dragon. Calcryx, we lost her,” wailed the kobold, throwing himself down into his bedroll again.

“Okay...Wait what? Dragon?,” asked Janora a bit confused by the outburst.

The kobold sat up again with a sniffle, “Meepo is Keeper of the Dragon. Meepo is dragon keeper for the tribe, but we lost the dragon when the goblins came and stole it. Without my dragon I have nothing. Poor Meepo, poor Meepo”

Ell asled, “Where are the rest of your tribe?”

Meepo pointed at one of the doors leading out of the chamber, “They’re in the other rooms, but they won’t speak to Meepo anymore. Meepo lost the dragon.”

“How long ago did they take the dragon?” asked Jilken.

“Days, week….Meepo no know. Yudrasyl would know.”

Denye spoke up, “Where can we find Yudrasyl?”

Meepo sat up straighter, “Meepo take you. Take you to meet Yudrasyl. If you make nice you get safe passage. If you promise to make nice we make nice. Maybe...if you promise to rescue Calcryx Yudrasyl make extra nice with you and answer questions.” Jumping to his feet he seemed ready to dash off.

Jilken raised a hand, “Hold on a minute, how big of a dragon are we talking?”

Meepo sighed, “She was a small one...for small kobolds.”

Pacing over to the cage, Jilken found that the bars of the cage were quite cold, colder than could be explained by the environment. Looking inside she found several small white scales. Holding them up to the group she said, “I’m pretty sure this is a white dragon, probably a young one.”

Meepo, who was now standing by the door, said, “Yes, yes. You come. Meepo take you to Yudrasyl.” Leading the party down several hallways until they entered a long hall with pillars every 10 ft or so. As the party followed Meepo, they passed several guard kobolds who gave Meepo disgusted looks, but let them pass when Meepo called out “Tricklecorn” in Draconic. As they approached the end of the long hall, the party saw two kobold guards standing next to smoking torches, and a third elder kobold on a grand dragon throne.

Report Date
03 Jul 2020
Primary Location