Majoran Ethnicity in Vellikka | World Anvil


"I have to admit, of all the peoples within my home system, I was most excited about visiting the Majorans. And I wasn't disappointed.   They truly are an inventive people, and that is clear in everything they do. I know that the Majoran with a gadget is something of a cliché, but they have a real skill for identifying problems and finding innovative yet practical solutions for them.   Don't ask how the contraption works, however, because you are likely to lose the rest of your day."  
— Extract from Travels Through My System: An Exploration of P'Ache Solar System
by Peacekeeper V'Kly  

Reasonably Resourceful

Majorans are known for their resourcefulness, which is unsurprising considering the skills needed to survive on their relatively barren planet. Finding edible food for example, took a serious amount of skill, and they quickly developed tools and methods for solving the problem. This resourcefulness has stayed with them and they are particularly good at practical and technical problem solving.

A.K.A Peacekeepers

Majorans became known as Peacekeepers in the late 700s PT. They are still a unique ethnicity but are often grouped in with the other ethnicities from P'Ache Solar System.   Because they have been grouped together for over four millenia, a lot of the ideals and traditions have blended together. However, they still have a few elements which separate them, and these are listed below.


The Majorans have been part of the Peacekeeper Alliance since 14 Six 487 PT. They were in negotiations from 1 One 430 PT until the day before they signed the treaty.   Since then the Majorans have had a very productive working relationship with the Primians. They have produced many of the technologies which are used across the Peacekeeper Territories today.


Culture and cultural heritage

The Majorans of 4,000 years ago are very different to the Majorans of today, who share a lot of customs and ideals with the other people classified as Peacekeeper. However, there are still groups, some living off planet and some living on P'Ache Major who follow some of the traditions of their ancestors. There are also variations of these tradtions which are followed by some of those living off-planet who are less strict with their practices.  

Sketch Days

  • Children give ideas to parents
  • Parents agree to implement best idea
  • Dinner on the third day
  This is a period of three days which occur annually, during which sketches and ideas are presented to the community and voted upon, so that they can become reality. This used to be the way to plan resources for the new year, but now that Majorans have the means to implement whatever ideas they have whenever they like, so it's much more of a ceremony now and tends to be more focused on children.   The first day is used for formalising ideas, getting them documented and preparing the pitch. The second day is for presenting ideas to the people of the community, and the third day is for voting on the best idea, at the end of which there is a feast celebrating the winner.

Coming Of Age

  • Gifted a multitool
  • Gifted a design kit
  When a Majoran child reaches the age of 15, they are considered of an age to contribute to the communities. They are gifted with a tool, or tool belt which is chosen by their parents as best fitting their skillset, along with a method of capturing their ideas. For traditionalists that might be a sketch book and pencil - which these days are purely ceremonial, but for most that would be a design kit which allows them to sketch, photograph, mock-up and demo their ideas.

Treaty Day

  • Messages are sent to family and friends
  • Sometimes food or a gift is sent
  This is a feast day which celebrates the day on which the peace treaty with the Primians was signed. This happens every year and is an excuse for the community to come together. The meal usually consists of a combination of traditional Majoran mealworms and algae, served along side the food which the Primians brought with them, of rich meats and cheeses, that aren't possible to get naturally on P'Ache Major.
"At that point it would have been rude to refuse, so I speared the Majoran mealworm and brought it to my mouth. At least it wasn't still moving. The lightly roasted grub was somehow crunchy and slimy at the same time. The taste was fine, somewhat salty and fatty, but it didn't make up for the legs and section of carapace which I was removing from my mouth for hours afterwards.   If you have to try it once, then do it, but carry a toothpick. You probably won't bother again."  
— Extract from Travels Through My System: An Exploration of P'Ache Solar System
by Peacekeeper V'Kly  

Foods & Cuisine


Grubble is a traditional Majoran dish, using the mealworms which are plentiful on P'Ache Major.   Grubble is roast mealworms, with the innards scooped out, mashed up and then put back inside. The innards have something of a slimy consistency, and the carapace adds a crunch which the Majorans find extremely satisfying.  
P'Ache Major | Breakfast | Cheap


Rantis is a traditional Majoran snack, made from Ressure, a powder which is made from ground up moss which lives in the caves beneath P'Ache Major's surface.   When mixed with water, or a small amount of any liquid, the powder will form a dough that when baked makes a sweet treat. It is very affordable and is popular with young children as it's delicious and can be mixed with other flavours and colourings to create variety.  
P'Ache Major | Snack | Affordable

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