Trade District Settlement in Vel'Kora | World Anvil
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Trade District

The Amoth Trade District is the oldest district in the city, as well as being the most busy.

Industry & Trade

The Trade District is the main pace that all manufactured goods and items are sold in the city. It is the home of the only dock for Airships in the entire city, allowing for the shipping of goods from far off places such as Kordairia and The City of the Fey.   There are also several important buildings of note located here as well, such as the Bank of Amoth, and the Temples of Mystra, Lathandar, Oghma, and Waukeen.

Guilds and Factions

The district is also the home for numerous Guild Halls within the city, including the Amoth Enchanters Guild, the Clothier Guild, the Alcemist Union, the Blacksmith Guild, and several others.


Founded in 52 AS, after rulership of the district was given to Enna Sylvarrath the district began as a simple grouping of tents and market stalls surrounded by the mighty stone walls of the city. Slowly but surely, and according to rumor significant bribery, more and more merchants were drawn to the fledgling trade hub of a town. Trade agreements were drawn up, specialists were brought in, or stolen from other cities, to provide services found no where else.


The majority of the district is build out of stone. Large wide cobbled streets run throughout, weaving through the neighborhoods and blocks. The buildings are all uniformly made of stones of dark grays, usually with slate tiled roofs. Many of the buildings have a noticeable elven influence in style, with either wide circular bases, steeply sloping roofs, or intricate metalwork decorations.
Alternative Name(s)
The Cobbles
Location under
Owning Organization


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