The Gruumsh District Settlement in Vel'Kora | World Anvil
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The Gruumsh District

The Gruumsh District is one of the five districts of Amoth, home of and run by The Barren Axe


Almost entirely Half Orcs, some few of other races.


The Clan Chief acts as both head of the clan and representative of the district.

Industry & Trade

The district and the Barren Axe Clan hold one of the only trade contracts with the Dao, and as such they have a iron grip on the inflow of precious gems and metals that pass through Amoth.


The district contains several foundries for smelting and refining metals, as well as forges for mass producing ingots. The Pits of Amoth reside in the district as well, drawing crowds interesting in gambling on fights or just wanting to see a bloodbath.

Guilds and Factions

The Barren Axe   The Pits of Amoth.


Gorthak, Chief of the Barren Axe in 104 AS proposed giving his people the worst district within the city to the then four man cousel of Amoth, on the requirement that they were to turn the state of the district around and make it a functioning part of the city within five years. The District Heads agreed, and within year and a half years, the new Gruumsh District was one of the busiest districts in the entire city. Ever since, the Barren Axe Clan has held an important place in the District Counsel of Amoth.


The grandest structure in the district, The Pits, stands nearly as tall as the walls of the city as a whole. Seeming made entirely of stone and metal, it dwarfs every other building in the entire city with the exception of The Earth Tower.   The Barren Axe Clans' buildings tend to be structures of wood and hide, made to resemble a 'civilized orcish style'.
Roughly twelve thousand.
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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