Hantzu Ethnicity in Vallonde | World Anvil


The Hantzu culture moderately old, having transformed over the years. Hantzu culture found its legs late in the 2nd Epoch, whilst under the rule of 3 Sorcerer Shoguns. At the time, Hantzu culture emphasized strength, loyalty, and courage. Near the end of the 2nd Epoch, the Shogunate collapsed to fighting between the Sorcerer Shoguns, and the annihilation of the Shogunate was completed by the Logicmasters in the 3rd Epoch, during the Great Purge.   Through the 3rd and 4th Epochs, the territories of Hantzu culture remained fractured, with an average of 20-30 sovereigns vying for power and control, suffering occupation by the Chellesian Kingdom, uniting in rebellion to win their freedom, and eventually joining the New Sovereignty. It is safe to say that the Hantzu people are no stranger to war, which might be why they are now amongst the most peaceful cultures in the world. In the modern world, the Hantzu people are often perceived to be slow and lackadaisical. They value rest and recuperation, and set aside more time for rest than any other culture would. They spend much of this time casually socializing, preferring simple and non-formal social gatherings over pomp and circumstance. Hantzu people are widely outgoing in nature. Despite their social nature, Hantzu sentiments place emphasis on the self over the community, believing that by bettering yourself, you will naturally better all things around you, and thus your community.   The Hantzu people live mostly in warm, humid climates, ranging from wetlands to tropical forests. Hantzu are mostly comprised of Gnomes and Halflings, with minority populations of Dragonborn and Humans. The Hantzu region has the largest amount (though still minuscule per capita) of Genasi emergence in the world. Many attribute this to the fact that they are the strongest proponents of traditional (some might call it orthodox) Masoritanism, which especially emphasizes worship of the physical Elements, and abhors the enslavements of Elementals to power Aethershards. The refusal of many Hantzu to utilize Aether-technology has created a harmful stereotype that Hantzu people are unintelligent luddites.
When choosing this cultural heritage, gain a +1 culture bonus to either the Insight, Medicine, or Persuasion skills.