Masoritanism in Vallonde | World Anvil


Masoritanism is the oldest organized religion in the world, with records of its practices and customs going as far back as history records, to the very first scrolls of the 1st Epoch, with evidence of its practice even found depicted upon the stone ruins of the long extinct Elderkin. The religion has countless minor variations and interpretations worldwide, which are often unique to the cultures that practice them. Its practices are so varied that it can be difficult to detail a specific set of tenants for the religion is practiced. The thousands of variations in its practice are part of the religions identity at this point. Despite this, there are certainly some sentiments that are shared by a vast majority of its followers.   Masoritanism teaches that the whole material world is made of 4 primordial essences, the essences of fire, water, earth, and air. It also teaches that these essences have conscious manifestations, which are the Elementals that can been seen throughout the world. Each primordial essence is said to spawn from a Primordial God (often called the Primes or Primals in regional variations). It is said that these Primordials are everywhere, the very makings of our material world. They are the forces that make the physical world what it is. This belief implies that all of the natural, material world is made of the bodies of these four Primordials. All you touch and see is of the gods, and should be respected as holy. A common theme of the religion is to give respect to nature, and the forces of nature. The Primordials are in constant collision with each other in the world, water meeting fire and becoming steam, fire meeting earth and becoming magma. The Primordials are always mixing, creating, disintegrating, and destroying. This conflict between the Primordials is what creates the unique properties of this world.   In some sects of the religion, the Primordials are said to represent not just physical properties, but spiritual ones. They are said embody aspects of our emotions and behaviors, which typically align with the properties of their element.   Spiritual Embodiments of the Primordials:
  • Earth: Patience, tolerance, stubbornness, strength.
  • Air: Freedom, thoughtfulness, transience, forgiveness.
  • Water: Change, adaptation, community, growth.
  • Fire: Drive, passion, hope, consumption.
  Masoritanism teaches that by understanding the Primordials, their physical and spiritual movements, we can better understand ourselves. Masoritanism is a religion that encourages finding a balance between the spiritual and the physical world, that both of these worlds are important, and neither should be denied. To find balance is not just physical harmony or mental harmony, but bridging the gap between body and mind, and finding the harmony between the two.  
Fundamental Tenant of the Faith:
  • The world is made of 4 primordial forces: Fire, Water, Earth, and Air.
  • These primordial forces originate from 4 Primordials Gods of immense power, one of each element. These Gods are present in our world, and in constant collision, which is what creates the natural phenomenon of our physical world.
  • The Primordials are found in all natural forces, and are the substance of the material world. We walk upon the surface of gods, and breath them into our lungs. We speak through their bodies, and drink of their very essence.
  • The Primordials embody spiritual properties as well as physical ones. Finding physical harmony is linked to finding spiritual harmony, and vice versa. True enlightenment is achieved by finding perfect harmony between the physical and the spiritual.
  • Nature should be revered, worshipped, and respected. Nature is of the gods themselves. By learning from the physical harmonies of nature, we can be guided to find similar spiritual harmonies.