Hungry Plains Geographic Location in Valley of Man | World Anvil
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Hungry Plains

by hughpierre


A piece of unstable land between Coyoacan and Salt Side formed from repeated and sustained floods raising the water table.   Its stretch of mangrove grass hides the unstable floor in a blanket of seemingly sturdy greenery. This area has fooled many careful travelers, but its hazardousness has also provided a significant obstacle against raiding Taulli from target inhabitants at Kuit.

Localized Phenomena


Every step is wet and soild, for the most part.
Traversers across the plain walk with long sticks to probe the area before them to check for stability. However, the occasional quake will liquify the ground right under them and cause them to sink. If they fall beyond their neck, it can be incredibly hazardous to dig them out.

Fauna & Flora

Ibises: A long billed bird, with a downcurve, that usually feed as a group, probing mud for crustaceans.

Heron: Long-legged, long-necked, freshwater birds seen as graceful and lucky.

Stocks: Large, long-legged, long-necked wading birds with long, stout bills and takes most of its food from among low vegetation and the shallow water.

Location under
Vehicle | Sep 9, 2021


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