Mil Bazon


Majority are Dwarves with a small transient population of every other race, even Dragonborn. No other race stays long in Mil Bazon for their forges run all night, lighting the stony sky with orange and fiery brilliance.


Meritocracy/Kingship. The best smiths and craftsmen govern daily matters while the King oversees far-reaching matters.


Besides being completely underground, Mil Bazon boasts a formidable force of guard, the Coals, as their policing and auxiliary military force. Their main military, Gulliminsh, are named after a demigod who helped their progenitors carve out the main part of the city over 5,000 years ago. Towers and keeps flank corners of streets every few miles, stationing ballistae, crossbowmen, and Gulliminsh inside the seventy-foot high onyx black walls.

Industry & Trade

They trade in beads mostly to transient travelers, being the last hospitable place in the West before the unclaimed lands and the southern arid snowfields swallow anything that walks into its clutches.   Ores and armory are more used as exports. An expertly crafted railway takes these from Mil Bazon to their satellite cities of Morangl and Deep Golog, and possibly a new settlement under the Weirhead.


All city compliances and amenities are available. Working sewage; running, clean water; underground fisheries; even small pastures in winter for livestock.


Mithril veins run deep, deep down to the Underdark. Adamantine has pockets of ore from the God Wars scattered throughout the whole region.

Guilds and Factions

Many artisan and crafter guilds as well as smithing guilds that compete annually. These include the Stonesmithy (artisans), the Deep Cutters (crafters), the Gripped Hammer, and the Strong Anvils (both forgers and smiths).


When the Dwarves began to pine for their own home, Kord came down and impregnated a chosen female leader. Her son, birthed as a full-grown Dwarf named Gulliminsh, took his mother's sword and shield and led his peoples to the impassable mountains in the center of Daeg. From here, he found a rich vein of iron and adamantine and forged the All-hammer. With it Gulliminsh drove the monsters and rocks deep into the largest mountain that is said to pierce Ysgard. This was 5,000 years ago.   Gulliminsh stepped down then from acting leader, giving ownership of the kingdom to his mother. The Dwarves then set to mining, as Dwarves do. In so doing they found caverns and rushing rivers carrying unknown water to deep depths. It is here the Dwarves carved out their kingdom of Mil Bazon. Over the next few thousand years, The Dwarves carved deeper and built wider, still not even scratching the neck and ribs of the mountain. They found gold, and were the first to smith coins to use as currency. They fashioned weird weapons such as halberds and warpicks, and Mil Bazon became known as their trading hub. This seclusion made their prices exorbitant, since they were nearly two years away from any other nation or tribe. And this made Mil Bazon the forerunner in mercantile and trade, until the Half-elves perfected the craft by being the Gateway to the West.   Mil Bazon reveled in successful business ventures, establishing small colonies in the mountains of Evoria, and growing in influence. Soon other countries recognized Mil Bazon as the official Dwarven settlement, mostly hoping to gain good ground for fair trade deals. The best dealers were the humans who, although warring and not united, struck a deal to allow Dwarves to stay in their forming boundaries. Bazoners took it upon themselves to construct ways between the three settlements.   About 300 hundred years ago, Gillim, a master engineer trained by Gnomes in the Feywild, built the first railway between Mil Bazon and the outer mountains. At the time, roads had been laid between the three cities that took less than a hundred years to complete. These roads took a traveler about half a year to journey, but was successfully protected by the Coals in their glossy black armor. Gillim's project took a few dozen years, but she had two teams on either side who drilled to each other, an extraordinary feat the Gnomes still praise. Churning along, Mil Bazon sold gold and silver and gems to every other race, never seeming to run out in their deep and expansive mines.


Mil Bazon architecture reflects Dwarves as a race: octagonal or square, sturdy, straight-lined, practical first and aesthetic second.


The Mil Bazon mountain itself stands out in stark contrast to the sky. It rises so high, the clouds cover most of it, and at a certain point up the slopes there is no snow. No explorer has risen to the top and lived to tell the tale, even when magically aided. The surrounding mountains are exemplary themselves, rising so high as to almost choke any person not used to the climate.

Natural Resources

Tons of tons of tons of gems and ore can be greedily found if only one has an pickaxe. More sturdy artisan material such as beads and carved stone can be bought here.
Alternative Name(s)
Home of the Dwarves, The Mountain
1.3 million
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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