The Dual Pantheons Organization in Ura | World Anvil
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The Dual Pantheons

An offshoot of the Colossean religion, the Mekonite Pantheon believes that the wars between the gods has not ended, but is instead in a tense truce, mediated by Teokt, or Gatazka as they call him. They also believe that Petos, whom they refer to as Iruzur, has sided with Ilune, the goddess of death, and is evil. They also believe that there are many lesser deities on both sides of the war, such as Kujestar the Guardian, a lieutenant of Bizitzum.

Mythology & Lore

Adherents of the Mekonite Pantheon believe that Bizitzum, Izaera, Argia, and the lesser good deities continue to struggle against Ilune, Iruzur, and their minions, with the mortal world only being spared from the carnage thanks to Gatazka's mediation. They believe that Zemim I was decieved by Iruzur into believing that the war between the gods was over, so that people would worship him. They do not hold the views of the Colosseans against them, however, as even Zemim I was decieved by Iruzur's lies. As such, the two religions tolerate each other, due to their mutual respect for Ettu, Siviessa, Luonta, and Teokt.

Tenets of Faith

The Mekonite pantheon demands even less from its adherents than the Colossean religion, with the only requirements being to avoid supporting the evil deities, and occasionally offering sacrifices to the good deities. It lacks any formal codes of morality, though the laws of Mekon often effectively serve a similar role, due to the Mekonite King's position as High Priest.


The Mekonite Pantheon broke off of the Colossean Pantheon following the death of Zemim I and the independence of Mekon. Their priesthood is less formalised than the Colosseans, and many smaller sects do not even agree on which lesser gods exist, or which side of the war between the gods they are on. The King of Mekon is considered the temporal head of the religion, though respect is often paid to the Colossean Exarch and Hierarchs.
Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
The Mekonite Pantheon
Related Myths

Tentative Ecumenism

The two Colossian pantheons are attempting to put aside their differences

Theological Incompatibility

Opitareans rejects the divinity of the Mekonite gods, although Mekonites usually tolerate them.


Teghneism and the Mekonite Pantheon have conflicting theological views


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