Opitareanism Organization in Ura | World Anvil
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Opitareanism is a religion established by the monk Opiter in 845 YD. Opitareans follow Opiter and his teachings with zeal and devotion. They hail from the mysterious island of New Ostrum in Edrothia, with many making pilgrimages throughout Colossia, resulting in a large underground movement there. All followers of Opiter seek to achieve all of his teachings, reaching the pinnacle of one’s self in both mind and body. There is no hierarchical structure in Opitareanism other than the head of faith Opiter; they are all equal under his protection.   Opiter’s current exact whereabouts and motives are unknown as his followers have a strict code on sharing information about him. He has very well and truly outlived his natural lifespan, however monks have been known to preserve their lives and slow down the aging process. Opitareans are keen to share information on their religion other than that of Opiter as one of their key tenants is to share and trade information where possible and educate all people of the Ura.   Opitareans have caused discord with the Colossian pantheon as Opiter in his writings, known as the Balumbon-Anak, speaks of the falseness of the gods of the people of Colossia that he learnt from a dying storm giant. The Opitareans believe this as fact and many claim in their mendicant preaching throughout Colossia they have seen the birthplace of their gods in the once lost City of Gold.   The religion of Opitareanism differs much from almost all other religions as there is no direct god of the religion. Rather Opitareans believe in seeing themselves as equals amongst all divine things in their journey to achieve the highest level of divinity and self growth as they can. This is not to say they are devoid of all mysticism. The teachings in the Balumbon-Anak speak in reverence of the sun and preach a symbiotic like relationship between one’s self and the sun. It is seen as a provider for all living things on Ura. It is known as Araw, the mother, the giver. Opiter is said to have the closest connection to Araw. He gained this connection after his period of a two decade long meditation known as the Long Rest. Some historians, theologians, and philosophers see this as an extension of Opiter’s original devotion to Sivessia.

Tenets of Faith

Preservation of Self: The first and most important belief of Opitareanism. Opitareans strive for the highest quality of health. These are split up into two main aspects of mental health and physical health. Rigorous training and exercise is conducted by all opitareans and they are known for completing these exercises in groups, building social connections with other followers and teamwork.   Preservation of Ura: Opitareans have a connection to land, through their mysticism of the sun or Araw. Opitareans exercise this belief through their respect and care for all living things seeing everyone and everything as equal. They disrupt much of what is known in normal day to day life of other followers in other religions. They will only take from the land as much is needed, something Opiter learnt in his initial time spent with the natives of New Ostrum. Opitareans reject material needs and engage in capital trade where only needed and are encouraged to trade rather in good deeds, work, and knowledge.   Preservation of Peace: Opitareans follow Opiter’s strong belief of peace. He experienced much hostility in his youth for his race, and witnessed the rise of tyrants and the death of many in meaningless wars, in his time adventuring. Opitareans maintain peace at any cost and by any means necessary. Opitareans are trained in martial arts from very young ages and practice expert teamwork in their daily training exercises. This allows them to create a powerful presence wherever they go. Opitareans are encouraged to pilgrimage throughout all lands, much like Opiter in his youth, promoting goodness, knowledge, and his teachings wherever they go. Peace is maintained amongst Opitareans as all members are trained in fighting and are willing to kill to maintain peace.
Religious, Other
Alternative Names
Notable Members

Common Enemies

Teghneists and Opitareans are both at odds with the Pantheon of the Five, causing them to cooperate despite their differences.

Theological Incompatibility

Opitareans rejects the divinity of the Five, and are often persecuted for their beliefs.

Theological Incompatibility

Opitareans rejects the divinity of the Mekonite gods, although Mekonites usually tolerate them.


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Sep 23, 2021 11:51 by Samuel Everett

Excellent article dare I say I couldn't have done better myself!!

Peace, and Love. Remember I am in your area.