Sol Rosso Character in Ur, The Nexus City | World Anvil
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Sol Rosso

Sol Rosso was uniquely aware of how the Dogma and the justice system in Ur treated Charity the High Priest of Edea in comparison to how they treated Master Faison Niles-Fortuni - Missing. Charity was quickly arrested for being in the presence of a minor criminal while Faison was left to be dealt with by his Order. It took his kidnapping, the creation of the Catacombs Guard, and demands from the Catacombs Conclave (the organized leaders within the Catacombs that became the The Synod) to force a public trial.   A cadet member of House Stagira, one of the High Masks in the city, Sol had an insider’s view to the happening of the trial and the unfair system of justice laid out by the Dogma and Maxim Club . This dichotomy in treatment drove him into action. With the announcement of the Synod as a new Order and their potential involvement with the criminal legal system they saw an opportunity to insert themselves as an unbiased arbiter. Sol has been working alongside some of the Dogma in an effort to oversee and verify their way of enacting the law on the residents of Ur is fair and just.
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