Clock Tower Faculties Organization in Ur, The Nexus City | World Anvil
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Clock Tower Faculties

Sphere: Academic   Within the Clock Tower there are many faculties, often competing for prestige and funding, but they have been known to collaborate.   The three main faculties are:
  1. College of the Realms : Explorers and Archaeologists, Compit Hall campus.
  2. College of Aether : Theology and Magic, Silvilim Hall campus.
  3. College of Truth : Science and Philosophy, Seven Tones Hall campus.

Names and Titles

The main career path of the Cursus Doctrum is as follows. Note, there is a minimum age associated with each rank (fixed regardless of species). To attain a rank "in one's year" is a considerable achievement and is seen as a sign that an individual is destined for high rank.
  • Aspirant (16+): Entry is free and requires passing an entry interview. Applicants do not receive a score, instead they are judged pass/fail by a panel of professors. Those with family ties, or who make significant donations, often find the judges more lenient. Aspirants are expected to study in all three Colleges, before applying for a student place at one of them.
  • Student (19+): Advancement to the student and associate positions require a successful examination (taken yearly and adjudicated by a panel of professors). It is possible to pass but still not be invited back to the university for the next year, in which case the candidate leaves with a merit (aspirant) or a degree (student). Very few from lower class backgrounds make it past aspirant and making it past student is unheard of. Still, a merit or degree is seen as a significant achievement and opens up a range of junior professional positions.
  • Associates (22+): Associates must choose a Department within their College to further specialise their studies; changing Departments after specialisation is rare. Teaching assistants, who end up responsible for most of the actual teaching work. Exist in a liminal space between student and faculty. Paid a small stipend.
  • Reader (30+): Readers need a sponsoring professor and act as research assistants. They are also the first rank that count as faculty, and thus can use the college cognomen.
  • Professor (36+): Professors need 3 sponsoring professors and are in charge of associates and readers. Professorships are unpaid, so donations from “grateful families” is often their main income stream and of course do not affect their judgement in examinations at all.
  • Dean (42+): The Dean is elected by the department professors to serve a 4 year term as department head.
  • Chancellor (46+): The chancellor is elected by the deans and must have held a dean rank. They serve a 4 year term as head of a college. In Clock Tower wide matters the chancellors act independently, but have the power of veto over each other. This means that very little gets done.
  There are four additional faculty ranks:
  • Rector: Is appointed by the sitting chancellor when the previous rector retires. Acts as assistant chancellor. A rector must be at least of professor rank.
  • Chair: Once a dean finishes their term in office they are given a chair, usually with an endowment from a wealthy family, and act as senior professors.
  • Chair-Emeritus: Similar to chairs, but given to ex-chancellors and the endowments are usually more generous.
  • Honourary Chair: Positions given to notable foreign academics or domestic businessmen and politicians who need buttering up. A purely ceremonial title that nevertheless grants the college cognomen.
Those of Reader and above can use the college cognomen after their name should they wish.
  • College of the Realms - Reperius
  • College of Aether - Magus
  • College of Truth - Veritus
Educational, School/Academy

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