The Odysseus Organization in Underoverse | World Anvil
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The Odysseus

Rescue, Expedition, and Protection Based Seafaring Company

The Odysseus is a brigantine sailing vessel based currently in the Kingdom of Luquoia and captained by Captain Mercutio Ziko Makari. It was originally built and functioned as a merchant ship that docked primarily in Bord de la Mehr. The ship is two-masted, has two main levels (main floor, hull), deck, captain's quarters, and forecastle. It is propelled by it's large sails, of which it has four main sails, three jib sails, and so on. The ship's dimensions consist of the main part of the ship at 80ft long (120 with sails and bowsprit), with a 25ft beam, depth at around 20ft, and height at 95 feet (masts accounting for 75ft).
The Odysseus as an organization consists of a relatively small crew considering the ship's size, with nine people making up it's current, solid, live-in members. The group is non-political and unaligned with any country directly, however it's registration is within the bounds of Luquoia. The legal owner and captain of the ship is not a citizen of the Kingdom of Luquoia, and as such the vessel does not sail under the Luquoian flag except for in abiding by law and docking taxation. The group is also not considered a merchant's group as the ship does not buy, sell, or transport goods in bulk as a company. Under Luquoian law, the ship is considered a Mercenary Vessel, as the small group tends to use its services to aid settlements against attack, act as safehaven or transport to those needing refuge or evacuation, and to fight off monsters and other threats. The group is considered international rather than regional despite mainly being within the bounds of Luquoia due to it's members being of multiple nationalities and not aligning to any one country as the vessel's motherland.


Current Officer(s)
Previous Officer(s)
Captain Mercutio Ziko Makari N/A 1st Representing the company and vessel, steering the vessel, ambassadorial negotiations and decisions, commanding subordinates, looking over maintenance and sailing, administering defenses, etc.
First Mate Adélaïde Belrose N/A 2nd Assisting and advising the Captain, taking place of the Captain when the captain is off deck/unavailable, maintaining and enforcing ship maintenance and sailing, surveying and guarding the ship from the crow's nest, etc.
Second Mate Delphine Forest N/A 3rd Assistance with navigation, advising over navigational or environmental matters, knowledge of regional information and reflection on resources for advice, assistance with repairs and sailing, etc.
Deck Cadet (Bosun) Chance Zerex (deceased) 4th Surveyor and keeper of the deck and sails, responsible for most rope work and inventory, following orders of the first mate and captain as to be of various uses on deck, etc.
Lead Medic High Priest Jeremiah Zerex (deceased) 5th Medicinal aid to those who are ill, identifying symptoms and acting accordingly, healing and patching wounds, offering medical advice and prescription of regimends for recovery, stabilization, etc.
Quartermaster Cake Charlotte N/A 6th General maintenance of quarters and rooms necessary, decor and amenities, taking inventory on the crew's basic needs related to amenities and utilities (making sure they have towels and soap, doing laundry, making beds and decorating/fixing up vacant or temporarily vacant rooms, etc.), enforcing basic house rules and standards, etc.
Cook Olokas Feytorii Cake Charlotte, Mercutio Ziko Makari 6th Cooking and preparing meals for the company, working with what is available to make the most sustaining and reasonable meals possible, retrieving or growing ingredients if necessary, keeping inventory over rations and expirations, etc.
Crew Sojobo Gatani N/A 7th Various duties according to circumstance.
Crew Senve Vryne N/A 7th Various duties according to circumstance.

Public Agenda

To aid those who are blatantly in need and provide them safety, rescue, or assistance as per the situation at hand. To travel with various intents, but to use the resources available as a vessel to dispose of threats to settlements/people, defend, or rescue/evacuate refugees or others in need of safehaven and transport in dire situations. Journeying to locations unknown for the sake of finding certain pieces of information is also common, but along the way the company generally assists to whoever/wherever is come across who is in great need.


  • Brigantine sailing vessel (large merchant's ship)
  • Four deck cannons
  • Crew of nine
  • Navigational tools
  • Two Longboats
  • Two large fishing nets
  • Deep-sea fishing materials
  • Eight crew quarters and one captain's quarters


The Odysseus was titled upon being aquired by the first few members of it's company in November of 1498 in the Kingdom of Luquoia at Bord de la Mehr. When the village was attacked by undead and cultists, resulting in the town going up in flames, Mercutio Ziko Makari found the ship in a state of grave disrepair and worked with a local carpenter very fervently to repair it for civilian use, as the town was in dire need of a means of evacuation. The ship was repaired enough to carry 90 passengers from Bord de la Mehr to a nearby lighthouse for temporary safehaven. It was decided that the ship would go south when the threat was dissolved, and before the newfound crew could do so they were approached in demand by officers of the Luquoian Guard who called them back to land for questioning and documentation. The ship coined the name "the Odysseus" and it's captain was officiated as Mercutio Ziko Makari. The ship went through it's primary renovations of new ownership in Pharedeux where it was fitted with new quarters, furnished, and much of the maintenance was done to make it the state-of-the-art, beautiful vehicle that it is today.
The Odysseus began it's journey with it's original crew being Mercutio Ziko Makari, Cake, Sojobo Gatani, Zerix the goblin, and Delphine Forest. It gained members Chance and Adélaïde Belrose in between a week and two weeks after the two were rescued from a sunken merchant ship outside of Pharedeux attacked by sea hags and battered by storm. Olokas Feytorii accompanied soon after that, within only a few days. Finally, Senve was rescued from slavers just north of Pharedeux and joined the vessel as well.

To Conquer Threat, Desperation, and Injustice, We Voyage

Founding Date
Civilian, Crew
Alternative Names
"The Stoneocean"
Crew of the Odysseus | Odyssean
Related Ethnicities

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