Delphine Forest Character in Underoverse | World Anvil
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Delphine Forest

Reticent Ranger of the Forét Oublieé

Second Mate Delphine Forest (a.k.a. Delphi)

Delphine is a ranger from the Kingdom of Luquoia, specifically Ville du Savior where she was raised as an orphan. She is a resilient and resourceful young woman in her adulthood partially because the events of her childhood and adolescence forced her to be strong, to be resilient and to use whatever resources she had.
Delphine is known by those who she trusts the most as a changeling; having been experimentally transformed into a changeling from her original human form by Maurice Szanto in her teenage years. This was completely against her will as she was taken advantage of unexpectedly– a young girl who couldn't fight back against that strong a force, and an orphan who had no one to notice when she went missing. As soon as she had a hold on her abilities as a newly formed changeling, she only showed herself to the public as the girl she used to be before the transformation.
After this, and after eventually escaping her situation as a test subject, Delphine travelled north doing various jobs as a ranger and going on small monster hunts for money, eventually ending up at Bord de la Mehr, where she was the first person outside of the original four to join the crew of The Odysseus. In Bord de la Mehr, with a befriended older druid named Jaque and a few other locals on a monster hunt the small group came upon a cabin deep in the forest. Upon going in this cabin the group found the house plagued with fungal beasts called Mychonids– the party panicked and attacked the zombified creatures and provoked them, making them attack back. Delphine and Jaque were found by the to-be crew of The Odysseus in the caved in basement of the cabin, nearly dead and gasping for air and trying to hold onto life despite the poisonous spores in the air and their horrible wounds. Her and Jaque were healed and carried from the building by Mercutio Ziko Makari and the two recuperated and introduced themselves within the group. Jaque moved along to destinations unknown after Bord de la Mehr was attacked by undead and unknown cultists, and Delphine went on to travel with The Odysseus.
In the present (c.1498) Delphine is an important crewmember of The Odysseus and a follower of the mysterious trickster god known as simply "The Traveller", as many changelings are. Delphine has stepped in to help and provide her abilities and skillsets in the form of archery, lending a hand in battle and killing undead, misleading hostile men chasing Cake by using her changeling abilities, saving Cake from a quickly progressing poison in her system, helping out with dire repairs in The Odysseus with Sojobo Gatani in a rough storm, guiding Mercutio Ziko Makari in his practice of woodworking, and being the closest person, trusted with anything, by Captain Makari.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Delphine is a changeling as as such she can change her appearance at will, naturally without altering herself appearing pale-skinned with white hair and blank white eyes. However, she tends to keep her appearence like that of her natural-born self before her transformation into a changeling– she maintains dark, typically curly umber hair that is nearly black, a medium-mahogany skintone, and grey eyes. She is a tall young woman, standing at 5'10", and is on the lankier side of average, with longer limbs and a more ovoid facial shape. She is of a dextrous build rather than bulky, wears forest colors to blend into her environment as a ranger, and tends to go without makeup or jewelry other than one solitary necklace that represents her deity, The Traveller.

Body Features

Aside from being a changeling and being able to alter her body as such, Delphine's regular form is lithe and dextrous with light muscle mainly from long treks, running, and climbing. Delphine is quite tall and her longer arms and legs make for a very good archer– she tends to be spry and precise. She has a dark, almost copper-toned skin tone that stands out as being warm amongst the cold, paleness of Luquoia.

Facial Features

Delphine's chosen form has grey eyes with lavender tones, her eyes being almond-shaped and naturally calm and collected. Her face is somewhat ovoid, being longer than wide. She has full auburn lips and a sweet, but reserved smile.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Female | she/her




  • Monster hunter/bounty hunter – Independent
  • Second Mate of The Odysseus – under Captain Makari

Personality Characteristics


Traveling to travel. Goes where the wind takes her, taking on whatever comes her way and surviving through her resourcefulness in the natural world. She helps whoever deserves and needs help along her way if she can, but in a cruel place such as the Kingdom of Luquoia stopping for every person struggling would be impossible, and as such she mostly simply tries to get by as one of them. She tries to be as helpful and purposeful as possible to her friends– those who saved her, took her in, and have her back.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes Dislikes
Camping/the forest Her changeling traits
Archery Superficiality
Woodcarving The Luquoian Guard
Travel Conformity/stagnation


Religious Views

Follower of the mysterious trickster deity "the Traveller", as most changelings are. She follows this deity for his emphasis on travel and change, feeling that the god represents a sense of freedom and freedom to be oneself.


A lower feminine voice, often very calm and collected. Her alto tone is often more serious, however in situations with those she trusts she is more casual; she will laugh and display more emotion in her voice than usual. Her tone isn't very bubbly or breathy, instead being down to earth, grounded, and to the point.


Delphine Forest

Close Friend/Subordinate (Vital)

Towards Captain Mercutio Makari



Captain Mercutio Makari

Close Friend/Captain (Vital)

Towards Delphine Forest




Mercutio found Delphine nearly dead in a cabin taken over by Mychonids. Upon the party fending off the fungal monsters, Mercutio healed her and slung her over his shoulder along with her companion Jaque, carrying them out of the building and to safety. When Bord de la Mehr was attacked soon after by undead creatures and cultists, Delphine continued to fight for her life alongside the to-be crew of The Odysseus– fending off zombies to work together with the party to save the people of the small town the best they could. She found herself coming with the crew when they eventually set out to go south on their new ship, happy to help in exchange for safe board, a way to travel, a safety net, and her life being saved by the group and specifically Mercutio Ziko Makari, who made very sure that she was okay after the near-death experience and checked up on her as much as possible.
Delphine and Mercutio became very close upon revealing their backgrounds to one another over time. Both being orphans and growing up without a complete identity or a family for one, but eventually when Delphine revealed she had been experimented on and transformed into a changeling the two truly clicked, Mercutio having been an experimental test subject as well through his orphanage and having been transformed in some way to make him the host of a Devil.
In their free time or downtime on voyages and treks, Mercutio works on his skills as a woodcarver and is guided by Delphine who is more experienced in the craft and more adept in her creativity. While she teaches him in this field, he trains her in how to sail and navigate in an oceanic setting.

Nicknames & Petnames

  • Mercutio calls her "Delphi" often and is very openly affectionate in his reference to her in general.
  • Delphine has started to call him "Mercutio" instead of "Ziko" more often, as he seems to like his true name and she realizes what it means to him. When teasing him she will sometimes call him simply "captain" or "lance knight".

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Commonalities Shared Interests
Orphaned Woodcarving
Subjects of arcane and biological experimentation Travel
Not fond/trusting of the government Camping/forestry
Never really had a "home" Helping those victim to injustice
Resourceful, resilient survivalists Experiencing different cultures

Shared Secrets

  • Delphine is, at the moment, the only person Mercutio has admitted his Kankoan legal name to- "#9".
  • Delphine has revealed her identity as a changeling and her following the Traveller.

Shared Acquaintances

Cake, Sojobo Gatani, High Priest Jeremiah, Chance, Adélaïde, Olokas, Senve Vyrne, Jaque, Jean, Zerex, etc.

Legal Status


Chaotic/True Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Delphine
  • Delphine Forest
  • Second Mate Delphine Forest
  • Second Mate Forest
Year of Birth
1474 ACE
Circumstances of Birth
Current Residence
(typically) deep umber
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
(typically) medium mahogany
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You do know that humans have two legs, right?"
"I follow the ideals of the Traveller, but... Understand you don't have to have a God or a higher power in order to live your life. Until you find something or someone you believe in you can believe in this– your mind. Make your own decisions."
"Creativity isn't something you can just force yourself into. Here- sit here. Think about where you are and listen in carefully on one thing. The wind outside, the sound of footsteps on the deck, your own heartbeat. Just listen to that a clear your mind of all the thoughts that are bothering you. Try that, and keep trying that– that's how you meditate. It'll help you make things that are truly from your own conscience."
"Ziko, please get off the deck and come inside. It's pouring rain and it's freezing. Please... Just calm down and come inside with me."
Aligned Organization

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