Senve Vryne Character in Underoverse | World Anvil
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Senve Vryne

Senve Vryne

Senve is a young drow woman from the Kingdom of Duul'so, specifically from the sect of the kingdom set on living on and conquering the surface world of Luquoia. She is known to be a crewmember on The Odysseus while still having connections and a certain amount of allegiance to the Kingdom of Duul'so. Senve is a mostly reserved girl who is obviously headstrong and trained to be professional and serious by default, though over her time with the crew of the Odysseus she has learned a bit more to open up and understand those around her.
Senve is a victim of experimentation, presumably by the drow themselves, and as such has a symbiotic relationship with a strange, live whip that can be used by extending them out of her arms. She is an adept fighter with these vine-like appendages and tends to hold her ground well.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Senve is a young drow woman with a smaller, slimmer build and with white hair and deep violet-grey skin. Her eyes are narrow and typically somewhat glaring, and her face is generally softer with the exception of notable cheekbones.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

female | she/her
True Neutral
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Year of Birth
1414 ACE
Current Residence
navy blue
pure white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
≈ 120lb
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
  • Undercommon
  • Common

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