Zerex Character in Underoverse | World Anvil
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the spirit of the odysseus

Deck Cadet Zerex (a.k.a. The Nose)

Zerex was a goblin originating from a small family-based goblin tribe outside of Bord de la Mehr, Luquoia. He eventually split from his tribe and ended up becoming the apprentice to the powerful Lumosian Cleric known as Jean Traston, known to own the local tavern in Bord de la Mehr and associated with Norstaer of The Heavenly Seven due ot being his apprentice years before. Zerex spent his time learning the ways of Lumos and the abilities to heal and restore. Within the village he did his healing and service to the community under the pseudonym "The Nose" as he wore a plague doctor's mask to hide his identity as a goblin.
Zerex was a bold individual wanting to service the community and specifically those in need. He lived by a strong Lumosian moral code with the emphasized ideals of redemption, repentance, and mercy. Though retaining some of his barbarian qualities from the goblin tribe, he generally tried to act as a more outstanding citizen and a part of orderly society rather than something considered subhuman.
Zerex died after a confrontation between the crew of The Odysseus and some of the Luquoian Guard carting drow slaves south of Pharedeux. Though he attempted to negotiate and talk out the ordeal, his party members and the opposing group became more and more hostile to the point of eventually fighting a vicious battle, exactly what Zerex wished to avoid. After being downed, he was stabbed through the chest and into the ground by a guard's sword. He was given a proper funeral, sent out on a burning raft from the ship with the crew to witness his passing. From then on his memory was kept on the boat in the form of a plaque marking the crow's nest, his original dwelling aboard the Odysseus, and the ship's flag which is imprinted with a silhouette-like logo of Zerex.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Zerex was a small goblin with moss green skin and bright yellow-chartreuse eyes, wiry unkept black hair underneath either a hood or plague doctor's mask, and robes similar to that of a Lumosian monk. He wore a pendant in the form of a glowing lantern around his neck as his holy symbol related to his god, Lumos.

Physical quirks

  • Short and scrawny, even for a goblin. He is unusual in his stature and likely considered a runt amongst other goblins.
  • Lash marks across his back, denoting being whipped.
  • Often wears a plague doctor's mask to hide his goblin traits, intending to pass as a short humanoid such as a gnome or dwarf.
  • Strange mixture of tidiness/order and a lack of knowledge of humanoid social norms. His robes and mask are kept neat and clean, for example, yet his hair is consistently messy and he eats like, well, a goblin.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

male | he/him


Zerex was not formally educated in his childhood due to his tribe being one not so focused on learning as they are fighting, defense, and survival. In his adolescence he was picked up as a student/apprentice by Jean Traston, and from then on his education was a lumosian apprenticeship going over all the duties and related topics of a cleric and a follower of Lumos.


  • Apprentice of Jean Traston (≈1489–1498)
  • Bosun/Deck Cadet of The Odysseus (October 1498–November 1498)

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Gained a clerical mentorship with one of the most powerful clerics in the country who previously was the apprentice of one of The Heavenly Seven, Norstaer himself.
  • Allyship with the Luquoian general known as simply "Guy".
  • Ran a hugely successful free foot massage stand in Pharedeux.
  • Everlasting influence on The Odysseus and her crew. The spirit of the ship carries on by remembering his legacy and what he stood for.

Mental Trauma

As a runt in his goblin tribe he was presumably not cared for very much in his early years and forced into more violent activities than he wanted or saw as fair or justified. When he eventually ended up in Luquoian society and especially after converting to the ways of The Lumosian Church , he felt the need to repent and punish himself for his savage lineage and for any actions he may commit that go against Lumosian code. As such he has been known to punish himself by whipping his own back.
Motivated by the death of his mentor, Jean Traston, who sacrificed himself partly as a distraction to allow the citizens of Bord de la Mehr and the party to evacuate before being overrun with undead. He took this very hard, as Jean was the only person in most of his life who cared about him even as a goblin and took him in to teach him as his own. He felt incredible resent towards the undead and forces that brought about Jean's death. He also felt a stronger motive against senseless fighting; if it could be avoided, then it should be at all costs as to avoid unnecessary death and bloodshed.

Morality & Philosophy

  • If violence can be avoided, then it should be avoided.
  • Violence only leads to more violence and a cycle is created that can not be broken until the violence ends and another approach is taken.
  • You can talk to and negotiate with anyone, and that should be your first approach before jumping to hostility or action. Communication, simple as it seems, can eliminate issues before they get out of hand and no one is above communicating.
  • If you justify hostility, killing, violence, and hate with the reason of your enemy once afflicting it on you and/or your kind, then you are just as bad as your enemy. You are the same, and you are continuing a cycle you are supposedly against.
  • Helping those in need should be done without expecting a reward– if you can make someone's life better in some way, if you can provide a benefit to them or fix what has been broken, then by all means you should for the sake of having a positive influence on the world alone rather than any sort of gain.
  • Safety first! Street smarts!


  • Undead and fiends; demonic/devilish possession

Personality Characteristics


  • To stop the ceaseless, senseless violence in the Kingdom of Luquoia.
  • To spread the word of Lumos and ideals related that he believes in; such as hope and charity.
  • To follow in the footsteps of his mentor, Jean Traston.
  • To become a more respected and acclaimed member of orderly society.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes Dislikes
helping others senseless violence
influencing others being unwilling to change
the crow's nest savagery
safety precautions being "good" for personal gain


Hobbies & Pets

  • Being a watchman in the crow's nest
  • Fishing
  • Serving the community
Divine Classification
Cleric of The Lumosian Church
Lawful Good
Current Location
1471 ACE 1498 ACE
Circumstances of Birth
born into a warmongering goblin tribe
Circumstances of Death
by the blade of a Royal Luquoian Guard, in a battle he wished to prevent
Forests outside of Bord de la Mehr (Foret Oublié)
Current Residence
short, black, wiry
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
moss green
Quotes & Catchphrases

"Since the last time, I have come up with a list of safety drills we will practice on the boat. Can't risk you catching the boat on fire in your sleep again. We will do fire drills. What, do you want your ship to go down in flames? That's what I thought."
"Well, it sounds like you need to be exorcised. We will head to the church at dawn."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Goblin

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