Adélaïde Belrose Character in Underoverse | World Anvil
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Adélaïde Belrose

The Loyal Right Hand of the Odysseus

First Mate Adélaïde Belrose

Adélaïde is the first mate of The Odysseus, as promoted by Captain Mercutio Makari. She has found work on various vessels in the past, coming out of the Kingdom of Luquoia's more illicit circles of rough and tumble sailors– most prominently, pirates. Her experience in the cutthroat world of piracy and roguishness has lead to her being a headstrong, strong-willed, alert, and organized individual with strong opinions and an even stronger sense of loyalty. She takes her job as the first mate of The Odysseus very seriously and makes sure all her posts are covered, sometimes to the point of overworking and not letting down her guard very often. Adélaïde is intensely loyal and obedient to her Captain so long as she has chosen that Captain as worthy of her trust. She doesn't stand for betrayers or blatant freeloaders– people who don't care about maintaining trust and people who don't do their part and put in their effort.
Adélaïde is primarily known to be an avid swashbuckler with a rapier as her weapon of choice, having a history with being a guard or protector as well as taking the offensive on her ship or boarding others. She has a keen knowledge of the inner-workings of Luquoia's sea-based criminal circles and bases and acts on this accordingly to protect and best benefit her ship and the crew she works with. If she is not acting as a lookout in more idle times on the ship's crow's nest, she may be found sparring with her close friend Chance, doing other tasks related to the ship's functions, or talking with Captain Makari about various ideas, routes, or plans of action.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Adélaïde is a taller woman with even proportions and a fit build that can be described as sturdy, yet mobile and dexterous. She has a moderate amount of muscle and slight curves, her physique well-kept from her active lifestyle and athletic tendencies. She has dark, straight, slightly grey-toned black hair with longer bangs in the front while shorter in the back, her eyes are a cool grey, and her skintone is a moderate to light beige color that can become bronzer in prolonged sun.

Body Features

Adélaïde is a fit woman with a decent amount of muscle on her from swordfighting, consistently climbing and pulling ropes aboard the ship, and maintaining almost constant mobility through her work and her dexterous instincts. She is relatively tall, standing at a considerably higher height than the average woman at 5'9", and despite her mobility she is known to have a very grounded, strong stance when need be from her time on the decks of ships having to hold her ground and stay standing despite waves and the rocking of a boat below her. She has a fair amount of battlescars across her body from being a rogue, pirate, guard, and first mate, and some beauty marks here and there. In the sun she can be prone to some light freckling, but usually tans quite well and with little likelihood for sunburn. She has moderate, average proportions, her appendages being neither lanky nor stubbed, and a build that is neither drastically below or above average in weight.

Facial Features

Her cool grey eyes almost appear blue simply due to the fact that she is on the ocean so much and the light, underpigmented color tends to reflect the hue of the ocean surrounding her. Adélaïde has a face that is neither elongated or round, but in between, with a solid structure and unique features such as her ambiguous beige skin tone, somewhat narrower eye shape, and dark hair and eyelashes. She has notable, but more rounded cheekbones rather than angular, and a moderate jawline as well as naturally darker-pigmented lips than many seen in Luquoia. Overall she has an aura about her facial traits that suggest a foreign lineage, but they are ambiguous, potentially mixed over a period of time, and hard to place.

Apparel & Accessories

Typically she is seen in clothes that heighten mobility, such as shorter cloaks and and non-tailored pants commonly seen on pirates and other sailors that allow for quicker movements and less restriction. She commonly wears darker and/or cooler colors and is almost never seen without a rapier strapped at her belt.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Little is known about Adélaïde's childhood or how she ended up in the place she finally did, but it can be presumed that something or someone in her earlier life caused her to fall into the illicit line of work she did. Adélaïde worked for a time as a guard and crewmember on an especially rough and cutthroat pirate ship traversing the waters of the Kingdom of Luquoia starting at the young age of 16, and often frequenting Cache'el for refuge, restocking, or selling their acquired goods on the black market. Eventually she came to realize more and more that the crew, and most notably the captain of this vessel was, despite her adamant efforts and trust, not worth her undivided loyalty. However, she didn't come to realize this soon enough, and the hint in the back of her mind at this conclusion was clouded by the group being the only thing she had in the moment to really hold onto and not be completely alone.
One particular skirmish more intense than the usual at around the time she was 19 caused many of the crewmembers of Adélaïde's vessel to be taken off guard, roughed up more than usual and some fatally, and in an unlucky move she found herself hurt in battle and cast overboard in the midst of it all, storm raging, and the ship moving. Though a strong swimmer and resilient enough to surface and hold herself up long enough to avoid freezing to death, she was abandoned by her crew and her captain, not a single person from the vessel she devoted so much of her effort and faith to turning back to help her or even acknowledge her. Without any land to swim to close enough to her to be reasonable, she was left for dead. When all hope was
Adélaïde ended up upon another vessel, this time a merchant ship traveling up and down the Luquoian and Kankoan coastlines among their various stops to trade and restock. This was a much more pleasant experience, as she found that the crew of this vessel was warm, and though structured as a ship needs to be, forgiving and almost familial. She quickly grew acquainted and without anywhere else to go was offered to stay on the ship and work for them as a sailor, which she accepted wholeheartedly and put in all the effort she could to make up for them saving her life when no one else she knew would have done the same. Later in her time on this vessel, at around the age of 24, the crew ended up with a stowaway from Kípoli, Kankou eventually known fondly as Chance, who she eventually grew closer to in trying to teach him the ropes of working on a vessel and saving him from his own sheltered naïveté having come from noble origins.
At the age of 26 the vessel she was at this point fundamentally a part of was hit by a completely unexpected, violent storm just north of Pharedeux. The experienced crew, including herself, could usually handle such a storm but even so the whole situation was so quick, wrathful, and unpredictable that it took all the manpower and focus possible just to make repairs as they came up and to make sure they didn't capsize. Managing, but things already going downhill, the final strike that would cause the total collapse of the ship and it's crew came out of nowhere to cause complete havoc. The vessel was boarded– not by pirates or thieves– but by undead, waterlogged minions out for blood. The living corpses took out many and went for the hull of the ship to tear it with holes, and by the time Adélaïde noticed the rough water getting closer and closer to the deck of the ship, it was too late. The vessel ended up in shambles, most of it sunken, some of it scattered amongst the ten foot waves in pieces. Before she could even process it all, her and Chance were the only two still standing, Chance having run out from below deck fleeing the monsters that had slaughtered their companions before his eyes to find her and conveniently, out of sheer luck, avoiding the water that came soon after him to flood the lower levels. They stood alone, back to back out of sheer instinct, surrounded by forces they could only barely get a decent view of clinging to the remains of the boat strewn about or beneath tall waves. Terrified, numb from the bitter cold, soaked with rain, and blocking out the horrors witnessed, she gripped her rapier so hard the knuckles beneath her gloves were strained white. On guard for her own sake and for Chance's, the boy she could feel violently shaking and breathing just barely below the threshold of hyperventilation where their backs were to one another's, she kept her balance and cemented herself to the measly planks of wood beneath them. As more corpse-like figures encroached like lengthening shadows beneath the rough waters, she didn't want to die, but being logical she thought certainly this would be the end, and that at least she'd go out fighting if she still could fight.
Amongst a sea of dreary dark blue, grey, white, and muted umber, an unexpected hue appeared more and more notable behind the crashing crests– what appeared to be a redwood hull, white canvas sails, and as the apparent unknown ship came closer figures, a small girl in pink, very out of place, a tall figure in black robes with what seemed to be a beak, and a man with deep red hair dressed far too lightly for the frigid weather in just typical sailor's garb and chestplate. Adélaïde didn't have the privilege in her mind to assume the best at this point, so she didn't let down her guard and continued swiping at minions as they moved in on her and Chance. She didn't want to assume she'd be rescued all so soon, focused on what was in front of her first and foremost. However the ship, dealing with the Sea Hags that controlled the minions and trying it's best to stay afloat and fight them off, deployed a longboat manned by the red-haired man and the small girl, and through dangerous waters approached
the two on their raft of scrap wood. Fighting their way forth, the two, who both appeared to be foreign to Luquoia, insisted that her and Chance get on the longboat, and at that point it could be trusted that this was, in fact, a rescue mission. Adélaïde pierced her way through a few monsters with the stabilizing help of the little girl who she'd come to know as Cake, and the captain of the foreign vessel, without hesitation, picked her up and physically placed her on the rescue vehicle. Chance, after pulling a ridiculous, yet surprisingly successful stunt jumping into the water to stab down on a Sea Hag, was eventually also pulled aboard by the foreign young man as well, providing a massive amount of relief. The small crew of the longboat pushed off and away from the wreck of the merchant ship she had come to be so familiar with, and though fighting off more just to get back to the rescuing ship, and leaving behind all she came to know, at least she was alive. At least her and Chance survived, and would find themselves in good hands.
Soon after the hags were eliminated, after being properly warmed up, toweled off, and given spare clothing, Adélaïde and Chance were both offered places on the vessel, the captain, Mercutio, being happy to have them as the ship needed more crew and he himself feeling that it was only moral and right to provide them safehaven after all they'd been through and all they'd lost. The two both agreed, Adélaïde less sure at first, feeling uprooted from her structure and in need of being grounded before getting a good hold on the situation, and Chance oddly sure of his choice and somewhat allured by the captain and his offer. The two took their time to recooperate, the rest of the night consisting of coping with or pushing away thoughts of their peril and all the people torn from them. However the warmth of this ship and it's odd, mix-matched crew was redeeming, and though she was hesitant at first to accept optimism, it was promising as a new home and a new family.

Gender Identity

Female | She/Her


(presumed) Sapphic


  • 1488-1491 – Pirate Ship Swashbuckler
  • 1491- October 1498 – Merchant Ship Guard/Sailor
  • October 1498-Present – First Mate of The Odysseus

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Survivor of being abandoned overboard
  • Survivor of shipwreck and attack by sea hags by Pharedeux
  • Taken on as a sailor aboard The Odysseus
  • Promoted to the rank of First Mate by Captain Mercutio Makari
  • Beat down and bested her ex-captain in a team-based tavern ring battle in Cache'el

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Injured and thrown overboard, left for dead by her first captain at the age of 19
  • Merchant ship she worked for capsized and dismantled, killing all but two

Mental Trauma

Trauma from the events of her abandonment, but mostly from the incident of her merchant ship's wrecking. She inevitably was metaphorically swept off her feet by the whole ordeal and forced to accept everyone she'd known who she'd come to know and love with the exception of one other person was now gone and slaughtered in front of her and she couldn't save them. This would be the second time she was stuck in the middle of the ocean, almost completely helpless and in need of rescue while her world crumbled around her.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes Dislikes
Sailing/The Ocean Her Shitty Ex-Captain
Loyalty/Trust Flightiness/Subversiveness
A Challenge Laziness/Freeloaders
Sparring/Swordfighting Being Expected to Know How to "Relax"


Adélaïde Belrose

Close Friend/Superior (Vital)

Towards Chance




Close Friend/Subordinate (Vital)

Towards Adélaïde Belrose



Shared Acquaintances

Mercutio Ziko Makari, Delphine Forest, Cake Charlotte, Sojobo Gatani, Olokas Feytorii, Senve Vryne, High Priest Jeremiah, etc.

Legal Status


Adélaïde Belrose

Friend/Right Hand Woman (Important)

Towards Captain Mercutio Makari



Captain Mercutio Makari

Friend/Captain (Important)

Towards Adélaïde Belrose



Nicknames & Petnames

Adélaïde, as the first mate, calls him captain or sir most of the time so long as they're on duty.

Shared Acquaintances

Chance, Delphine Forest, Cake Charlotte, Sojobo Gatani, High Priest Jeremiah, Olokas Feytorii, Senve Vryne, etc.

Legal Status

Captain/First Mate

Chaotic Lawful (Chaotic Neutral)
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • First Mate Adélaïde Belrose
  • Adélaïde Belrose
  • Acting Captain Belrose (*when the captain is not on board/is away)
Year of Birth
1472 ACE
Somewhere in the Kingdom of Luquoia
Current Residence
Cool Grey
Black, Short, Longer in the Front
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
≈ 135lb
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I don't have a problem obeying orders to you because I chose to be in the position that I am. I chose you as a captain because I think you're worth following, and you're a leader I can trust to call the shots. Don't think of it like I'm giving up my control– I'm not, I'm choosing who to follow, and I wouldn't obey if I didn't have a reason for my loyalty."
"I'll stay... I'll work for you, just so long as there's room and everything..."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Theives Cant

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