Boneweaver Species in Ullthwaygon | World Anvil


"It was hanging there, resplendent in shining gold and royal blue. Carapace polished to a mirror sheen like some glistening jewel or statue made to commemorate some great event. There, Struck by its beauty, I faltered; Asking myself if it was really necessary to kill such a creature. It was only till I looked away and saw the two dozen corpses hanging from its web. That I remembered why it was we had come down here to claim it."
Rosarto Homierez, 14th Captain of the Harearen Guard. On the account of slaying the Boneweaver of Batton Park.

Boneweavers are huge, insidious spider-like creatures. A deep malevolent cunning churns within their brains, pairing unfortunately well with their innate arcane powers. They are covered in a thick glistening carapace that takes on the appearance of precious metals and shimmering jewels. The beasts are known to be quite mesmerizing to look at; Especially in their stark contrast to the bleak caverns and ruins in which they often make their homes. Don't be fooled by such opulence though; It is simply a ruse to arouse distraction. It affords all too much time for them to layout your demise.   Weavers are adept at dominating lesser creatures. Such puppets are used to bring back fodder for its larder or perform mundane tasks around the spider's lair. What truly sets the beast apart from other monsters is its ability to produce skeletal constructs out of its own silk. A thick, cartilaginous substance, that is near impossible to break, though quite susceptible to fire and the blade. The arachnid then animates these constructs to form as an extension to its own will, allowing it easy access to pick off potential prey from the safety of its web.   I would recommend that the lord or ruler of any township that learns of the presence of one of these creatures within its rightful borders. Should place a bounty upon the spiteful things head in short order. Such creatures should not be tolerated within any god-fearing country and be killed at the first opportunity when at all possible.
Cardinal Feign head archivist of the Sembold Order
All Boneweavers have innate arcane abilities. Like most arcane beasts this develops in power as they age. From hatchling, they are able to manifest the equivalent of a magician's cantrip, with older specimens able to grasp a great number of actual spells. But those most ancient of weavers have been seen to possess a mastery of the arcane that would bring upon pangs of jealousy in even the most powerful mages. And as such it is my greatest desire at present to be brought into conversation wit one of these older specimens.   I would strongly suggest to anyone reading this; That parlay should be attempted at the earliest convenience in order to foster the best cooperation between our two species.
Keplin Gar, Principle Dictator at the Lilac Chambers.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

"Things eggs look like large pebbles, probably stop folk picking them up caus there ain't no selling pebbles. Quite a tough thought that any moment what you thought was a stone could open up and spew out one of them little devils."
Huckyah Jhones, local trader at Yishyale Common
For the first few years of there life, they are ever so small; Content to mearly run away at any intrusion. Indeed they are no real danger until they get up to five years of age and their teeth are big enough to break the skin. But even then they are no real problem. Upon reaching nine however they start to explore the capacity for intrigue and manipulation. Leading them down a dangerous path until reaching maturity.   Most are considered adults at age 30. Though many have garnered a following well before this time. Their natural capacity puts the at a lifespan of around some 300 years. I dread to think what could happen if one ever finds a way to extend this capacity.
Zarfell Amdulla, Magister of Passage

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

After extensive observations of the creatures in their natural habitat. I can conclude with reasonable accuracy that Boneweavers are able to see through darkness with relevant ease. This includes both natural and supernatural penumbra. Moreover, they seem capable of more magical perception such as the detection of prey through solid objects and creatures not detectable by standard senses.   Given the extensive prodding of my mind during this exercise there seams abject capacity for mental projection and possibly through detection.
Abergail Ammersmith, Head Researcher at the Alwin Biological Investigation Institute
Genetic Ancestor(s)
300 Years
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length
25ft. Diameter

Articles under Boneweaver


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Mar 2, 2020 18:38 by Morgan Biscup

Nicely written! I especially enjoyed your use of quotes when portraying them, as the reader can see them from multiple different perspectives, adding depth. Very well done. Thank you for sharing!

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Mar 2, 2020 19:05 by Zone55X

Thank you very much indeed :D I am glad to see you have enjoyed it as much as I have writing it :)   Writing from the perspective of the people in the world always makes me feel more involved with the project.

Mar 2, 2020 19:42 by Morgan Biscup

It's a fun practice and it works well here.   I should do it more often myself, to be honest.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.