Magic Moss

Magic Moss is a magical plant that purely survives on the magic of its surroundings. Therefore, its physical properties vary depending on its environment. It is predominantly found in The Underground but is also frequently found in sea caverns and in The Wastelands.   Known as the Forbidden Fruit of Turien, Magic Moss is most notably a magical drug that messes with the magic inside a person and continues down the generations. There have been theories that it could also be used as a medicine and has been under testing for this. How legitimate these tests and trials are is under question.
by TaraFaeBelle
A research note on magic moss from the excitement-chasing Forest Elf researcher: Reagan. His research (especially those projects he finishes, or near finishes) are some of the best-documented, if someone can find enough of it in his mess of a housing area. Unfortunately, his [assistant] [stalkish friend] Hoen, a Dryad who specialises in poison, likes to leave her thoughts on the matter too. (She taught herself to write just for this...)

The Underground

From the 8th Cycle, Century of the Elves, Magic Moss was known as the origin splitting point of Dwarves from Humans and Dark-Elves from Elves. A group of Humans went to explore the Underground, found Magic Moss as a potential food source and became addicted. A group of Elves went as healers to help detoxify the Human group and study Magic Moss. They too ate of the Moss, became addicted and experimented on both races to detoxify their systems. A couple of Human generations went by before they worked out a new ecosystem of both adapted races and the moss, provided they continued to live underground and include it as a food source. Underground, with no major light sources, Magic Moss gently glows a deep green during day hours and a deep blue during night hours.

The Sea

Arguably the most intense version of Magic Moss is the wet moss from under the sea and in caverns connected to the sea under Turien's landmass. It is highly hallucinogenic and occasionally the Northern Warrior Mermaids will use it to enhance their illusion magic. It runs rampant underneath Delusional Isle, being an integral part of the mists that contain and torture the ill-reputed criminals there.

The Wastelands

Little is known about the peculiarities of the Magic Moss variant that covers the badlands and patches of desert in The Wastelands, other than it is dried. It looks much like the tumbleweed of other Realms and is a food source for Harpies, the only 'monsters' in Turien.  

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Cycle Lighting

The moss feeds off magic from the source of magic underground. As it glows different colours in shade/darkness depending on the night/day cycle, it is used to help tell the passing of time for those who live in the Underground (and often is the predominant lighting in their cities outside of individual homes).  


Magic Moss can be used as a medicine or a drug. The tiny flowers eject their spores four times a year (and is considered a time of celebration in the Underground, as a series of festivals for births, couples, families, and business partnerships). If these spores are harvested into a condensed form, medicines can be made out of them. In particular, a Dark Elf organisation have made various attempts at healing (or at least slowing) the Feared Medical Condition. Alternatively, the moss can be diluted in alcohol for use as a numbing agent - a staple in the Healing Hut and the Medical Tavern, although their dilutions and administrations are quite different.  Without dilution, if the moss is consumed it can cause hallucinations, magic build-up and eruption and/or magic deviation. Many other physical ailments often accompany this (e.g. vomiting & nausea, headaches, loss of fingers or toes, eye & hair colour change, skin pigmentation change, rashes, loss of hearing or eyesight (partial or complete), death and the list goes on). Such side effects may also occur when the moss is diluted, but the degree of dilution is proportional to the degree of severity.
3-10 years
Average Height
2-5 cm
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by TaraFaeBelle


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