The First Alliance Pantheon Organization in Tunoda | World Anvil
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The First Alliance Pantheon

The First Alliance is a group of heroes that fought in the battles against the Old Ones and freed Tunoda of their presence. Many treds later, as battle reports grew into legends, the public perception of member of the First Alliance became that of gods. Somehow, their power still lingers as worshipers of members of this pantheon seem to be granted favors from time to time. This collection of gods was chosen from the many heroes that fought to free Tunoda, such that one of each of the initial races was represented. Each member's unique skill set and personality is reflected in their pantheon name and the types of favors that worshipers hope to receive.   Descendants of the First Alliance members are known to inherit a Firal Descendent's Mark. The Firal is an organisation which protects the legacy of the First Alliance and ensures that their hard work is not undone. One of the tasks that the Firal carries out is to ensure that the yearly ritual at new year's eve is executed properly. The nature of this ritual is linked to the hero of the specific year within the cyclical Tred.


Year Hero name Race Sex Pantheon name God of .. Personality traits / skills
1 Rorko Kobold - The Ambusher Confidence Confident, aggressive, traps and ambushes
2 Shaebrix Halfling F The Darer Courage Courageous, daring, adventurous
3 Orfyx Gnome F The Magician Magic Magical ability
4 Padnuckeb Goblin F The Traitor Revenge Betrayal, short temper
5 Dulmund Dwarf M The Miner Earth Strong, hardy, dependable
6 Lasher Kenku - The concealer Secrets Secret keeper, selfish
7 Nigis Zubelmath Triton M The swimmer Water Swimming, fishing harvest
8 Yelsandoral Elf M The Nourisher Nature Survival, hunting, farming, harvest
9 Selune Celestial F The Discipliner Moon Self-control, humbliness
10 Rujeth Zendrohk Human M The Balancer Balance Little bit of everything, family
11 Istluss Yuan-Ti pureblood - The Charmer Adaptability Magnetic personality, arrogance
12 Och Lizardfolk - The Cook The body Content, enjoyment, food, humor, originality
13 Brave Mask (Mask) Tabaxi - The Adventurer Curiosity Travel, exploration, treasure hunting
14 Shamarin Gith F The Thinker The mind Knowledge, study
15 Qlagal Aarakocra - The Flyer Air Flying, vision
16 Amok Gore Despoiler Orc M The Leader Leadership Loyalty, tactics, justice
17 Djunkarat Stouthorn Minotaur M The Navigater Direction Belonging, overview, navigation
18 Malmyse Tambac Dragonborn F The Firestarter Fire Pride, passion, warmth
19 Gregek Gregekuuh Uletru Bugbear - The Patriot War Determination, sacrifice
20 Xiltris Firbolg M The Cloisterer Silence Secludedness, anonimized charity, mindfullness
21 Taugath Brightheart Inulatho Goliath M The Champion Victory Competition, fair play, accomplishment


During the Era of Chaos the Old Ones reigned over Tunoda. The donut shaped planet functioned as their home base and the monsters pestered the other planets. Only the heroes from the The First Alliance together were strong enough to fight the eldritch monstrosities. The Old Ones are currently trapped in very advanced magic, kept active by Nyarlathotep and the gods from the First Alliance. The spell seals off the monsters from the planet and the planet from the galaxy. If the protective magic fails, the eldritch monsters will be released and not only this planet, but all other planets will be subjected to the wrath of the Old Ones. Without sealing off the planet from the rest of the galaxy, the magic is too unstable. The magic to conceal the planet is so strong that it requires an offer each year. But perhaps the greatest offer of all is that the families that decided to move to Tunoda during the brief period of when the Old Ones were defeated and before the planet was sealed off from the other material planets, is that they have no means of connecting with the family from their home planet. Religion, traditions and languages from the old planets are starting to fade and there is no way for Tunodans to communicate with other planets in case someone needs assistance.
Religious, Pantheon
Notable Members

Cover image: by pi_paints


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