The Adventurer Character in Tunoda | World Anvil
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The Adventurer

Brave Mask is currently worshipped as the god of curiosity: the Adventurer.   The followers know them as Brave Mask, but Mask is not so sure if the name given to them by their peers is all that fitting. In catfolk culture, it is common to be subjected to a series of challenges. Mask apparently displayed a great amount of bravery by jumping over a wide ravine during one challenge that was meant to determine their name. Though it was their intention to jump, it was not a case of bravery, but of poor eyesight. Mask had largely underestimated the distance of the jump. Sheer panic had set in at the moment they realised the other side was not coming close quickly enough. Somehow a convulsion of panic let to a movement that resembled a heroic landing. Hence, part of their name was Brave. The Mask part was determined by their facial expression, which could be called, well, non-existent. Brave Mask had never been good at feeling and showing their emotions. But hey, at least they had a cool name.   Something that causes Brave Mask to feel emotions are shiny things. Especially shiny things that are hard to reach, or steal. A perfect day for Brave Mask is to travel through uninhabited terrain and search an old ruin for long lost treasures. An impressive number of perfect days later, Brave Masks reputation began to grow. And grow.   Brave Mask was asked to join the Firal expedition to Tunoda and was ecstatic to hear some lost artefacts had to be found before the battle could be won. With the promise of treasure and new regions to explore, it was an easy decision to step aboard of the First Skystone.
Current Status
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tiger-like fur
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by pi_paints


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