Tsuwamono Phaenarete Bestows Aretí Upon Sanosuke

Phaenarete Bestows Aretí Upon Sanosuke

Life, Wealth

14/11 10:00

Following the final match of the tournament, Ryūzaki Sanosuke departed his enormous retinue and made to delve deeper into the halls of the arena. His way was blocked, however, by a stalwart Onizamurai, and further complicated by the arrival of Maxim with the same intentions.   Sanosuke was saved from further exasperation by the arrival of Blanca Garcés de Navarre, who came with a summons from Phaenarete. Having wanted to speak with that sharp leader of the Alexandrian detachment himself, Sanosuke was happy to oblige. At some point on his journey to the Alexandrian box, he picked up a companion by way of Fubuki, but she* was blocked from entering the box itself by Blanca, leaving Sanosuke the only one to enter the audience.

All of the Alexandrians were solemnly silent as Sanosuke approached and paid his respects to Phaenarete. The diplomat, in her own way, addressed him much more informally. Without any discussion beyond the barest of introductions, she bade her student, Platōn to come forward with an object veiled in white cloth.   With a confirming nod from Phaenarete, Sanosuke accepted this object. Its white cloth fell away to reveal a gleaming sword with a golden, winged hilt. "Aretí," Phaenarete called it. She explained in uncertain terms that anyone slain by the blade would not die, but rather be forced to pay a service to the one who wielded it.   Still somewhat speechless, Sanosuke accepted the beautiful weapon and stylishly sheathed it on his back. This momentous scene was only made all the more stunning by Lorenzo the Magnificent, posing dramatically just to the side. Although he surely had more questions, Phaenarete waved a hand and dismissed him, claiming that strange exchange to be the limit of their current audience.   As he took a few bewildered steps down from the box, Sanosuke conferred with Blanca. The Castillan knight recognized Aretí, and the Silver General as its new wielder. She called it the "Sword of Virtue," but claimed that speaking any more on it would betray her oaths.   With the weapon still gallantly slung across his back, Sanosuke returned to his companions.