Tsuwamono Attn: Hell

Attn: Hell

Life, Career

16/11 20:00

Our Lady of Serpents, Mistress of Vengeance, the Adversary, Greetings,

  Your servant on Earth bid you well. For your consideration, I submit my regular report on Knight Commander Maxim and his progress in achieving your ends in Japan.

I should address, first, that my last report was delayed. I died, or nearly did so, at the hands of a creature the humans call a Kamui. The gods of the land here in Japan are substantially different from those which oppose you directly, but they are still powers to be reckoned with even for an Archdemon like myself.   Curiously, it was Maxim who saved me. I would have expected him to take the opportunity to cut his ties with me and throw off the yoke. He did not, and I recognize this as a sign of his devotion. To be forced to retrieve me from Gehenna once more would be a significant setback.   Lest you worry, I have not allowed myself to grow fond of this human, Maxim. My heart burns, but only with the desire to enact vengeance on all those who have wronged another. Our relationship is merely one of business. What good would I, the great White Lion, draw from friendship with a human, anyway? No, it's nothing you need concern yourself with. Most certainly nothing at all.   On to the events of the day. I busied myself with preparations and recouping my energy after the defeat. I do not know how Maxim spent his time, so confronted him after sunset to demand he report his actions. En route to his chambers, I spied a lurking creature with gray skin and four arms. A demon of Envy? Yet with four arms, rather than six. Curious. What's worse, Maxim was aware of the thing's presence. He willingly allowed it into his place of power.   At first I could not believe he could make such a blunder. Certainly, we both know that Maxim is not the greatest mind in the mortal world, but I had not taken him as stupid. It was then that his plan began to reveal itself to me. Yes, inviting in an Envy demon was a calculated step. No doubt she would steal something of great importance from The Wolfpack, this little organization Maxim believes he leads. Then, we would have ample reason and opportunity to deliver revenge most sweet. Simple entrapment, but more than I had expected from this human.   What's more, he continued to impress me. Though I had taken Maxim for idle, dabbling in meaningless affairs of the Hashinara Clan and traipsing around the ports, it seems he has been placing groundwork of his own. He assured me that all was in place to enact one of the most valuable vengeances written in his contract. We would embark to do so this very night. I will not write which target we seek, lest this missive somehow be intercepted. However, I have no doubt that you will be pleased with the result.   Unless, that is, Maxim gets himself killed for a second time. I wonder if he knows just what he is challenging. Not that I have even an ounce of concern for this lowly human. Should he die, the punishments you levy upon him will bring me as great a joy as seeing him succeed.   I will report again tomorrow with the results. Provided we are not delayed by this "ship from Albion" sighted in the harbor. I hope that Maxim continues to impress and is not drawn away, like a child, to the newest shiny thing.   Signed in blood and flame,
Duchess of Wrath Haures