Cae'lora Settlement in Trorune | World Anvil


Cae’lora is built among the ancient, towering trees of the Jade Wood, its delicate architecture blending harmoniously with the natural surroundings. The city's buildings, crafted from ethereal jade-hued wood and adorned with intricate carvings, seem to be an extension of the forest itself. Lush greenery and vibrant flowers cascade from rooftops and balconies, creating a symphony of colors that harmonize with the verdant canopy above.   At the heart of Cae’lora stands Aranelleth, the Emerald Palace, that serves as the seat of power for Myrdin Xyrdri. The palace is a masterpiece of elven craftsmanship, adorned with ornate patterns and exquisite artwork depicting scenes from Wood Elf history and mythology. Within its hallowed halls, Myrdin Xyrdri resides, surrounded by a retinue of loyal advisors and guards.   Myrdin Xyrdri is an uncompromising isolationist and holds deep-seated prejudices against non-Wood Elves, those of mixed-Elven heritage, and particularly the Drow. Fueled by a fervent desire to preserve the purity of Wood Elf culture, he has implemented strict regulations to keep outsiders at bay, making Cae’lora, and nearly the entire expanse of the Jade Wood, near impenetrable to all but the most determined or elusive individuals.   The Wood Elves of Cae’lora live a life steeped in ancient customs and traditions, devoting themselves to the mastery of archery, the harmonious connection with nature, and the intricate art of enchantment. Their deep connection to the Jade Wood is evident in the daily rituals and practices, as they draw upon the forest's mystical energies to fuel their magic and many outsiders believe that the primal magics imbue their arrows with uncanny accuracy.   Within the city's borders, non-Wood Elves are met with hightened suspicion, if not open hostilities as they are rarely, if ever, permitted entry. Even those of mixed-elven heritage face discrimination and are kept at a distance. Myrdin Xyrdri's rule is absolute, and dissent is met with swift and severe consequences. This isolationist stance has bred an insular society, where the Wood Elves of Cae’lora find solace and comfort in the purity of their heritage.   The city's inhabitants live in harmony with nature, their homes blending seamlessly with the environment. The air is alive with the soothing sounds of whispering leaves and the ethereal melodies of Wood Elf bards, while vibrant fauna and elusive woodland creatures roam freely through the city's streets and gardens. The denizens of Cae’lora are attuned to the ebb and flow of the forest's energy, finding solace and rejuvenation in its tranquil embrace.   Cae’lora still holds many secrets and is the source of many unsubstantiated rumors and while the Wood Elves of Cae'lora are a part of the Salvae Empire, it, like most Elven territories, operates independently of the Volker Monarchy and other regional powers and holds loose alliances with the outside world, preferring to keep themselves out of the political strifes of the lesser races. Elves survived long before the coming of man, they will survive long after them, so long as Xyrdri still draws breath.


Wood Elf- 100%
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