Myrdin Xyrdri Character in Trorune | World Anvil

Myrdin Xyrdri

Myrdin Xyrdri

Myrdin Xyrdri, the isolationist ruler of the Cae'lora and the guardian of the Jade Wood, casts an imposing figure with his towering height and unwavering, unflnching eyes. Like the ancient trees that surround his realm, his lithe form speaks of grace and agility, a testament to his elven heritage. Every movement he makes is infused with a captivating fluidity, as if he is a living embodiment of the forest's elusive elegance.   His sun-kissed skin carries the warmth of the woodland sun, its golden hue a reflection of his deep connection to nature. Amber eyes, gleam like precious gemstones, hold a wisdom honed by centuries of observing the ebb and flow of the forest's secrets and those that seek to conquer it. They pierce through the shadows, revealing the depths of his convictions and the intensity of his gaze.   Long strands of ebony hair, cascade down his back like a waterfall of midnight, possess an otherworldly allure. Woven within the dark tresses, like moonlit whispers, are delicate streaks of white. They symbolize the wisdom accumulated over countless cycles of the moon, a mark of the experiences that have shaped his character.   Adorned in attire crafted from the finest forest textiles, Myrdin wears the woven tapestry of his heritage. The verdant greens and earthy browns blend seamlessly with his surroundings, a living extension of the very forest that birthed him. Intricate patterns of leaves, vines, and woodland creatures adorn his garments, paying homage to the interconnected web of life that thrives under his watchful gaze.   With each step, Myrdin moves with the silent grace of a predator stalking its prey. The air around him seems to hum with an ancient magic, attuned to the rhythms of the natural world. His presence exudes an aura of authority, a tangible force that commands respect and demands allegiance from his Wood Elf subjects.   Myrdin Xyrdri stands as a guardian of Wood Elf heritage, a sentinel whose unwavering devotion to his isolationist ideals borders on pure passion. His very being is a testament to their collective identity, and his resolute commitment to preserving their culture and way of life is etched into every fiber of his being. In the heart of the Jade Wood, he reigns as a symbol of pride, strength, and an unyielding loyalty to his kin.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Date of Birth
9th Day of Mirtul, 473 ATS
Year of Birth
473 ATS 527 Years old
Current Residence
Long, Free-flowing, Black with White streaks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Tan
135 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Ruled Locations