Change of Elements Tradition / Ritual in Tremanac | World Anvil

Change of Elements


Millennia ago elven starwatchers noticed a light that appeared for a few nights once a century. One of these stargazers was a mage who noticed that the appearance of this light appeared to coincide with when a new elemental energy began to dominate. The light was dubbed the Herald of Change and elven wizards began holding small gatherings to watch the Herald's arrival and plan out what magics they would explore over the next century.   During the Age of the Alliance this practice spread through the colleges of magic and the Changing of the Elements started to gain more ceremonial elements. Most colleges held grand feasts to which local dignitaries were invited, and vast magical displays symbolising the move between elements were created to please the masses. At the college of evocation, the event gained even greater significance as the leadership of the college was formally passed on at the end of the feast.   Following the destruction of the colleges during the War of Ascension and the years of darkness the Changing of the Elements reverted to being a mostly elven ritual and lost much of the pageantry that had grown around it.


The original elven tradition involved small groups of wizards gathering at night to enjoy the sight of the Herald crossing the sky.  They would then sit down to discuss how they were going to alter which spells they used in the coming years and whether there were any new opportunities to take advantage of the newly dominate element.   While these activities remained core to the ceremony when it became popular at the colleges, there were several additions.  As the shorter lived races were unlikely to attend more than one of these events the elves developed a tradition of tricking those who hadn't attend these ceremonies before.  On each occasion they would invent ridiculous rituals or absurd clothing that they claimed were vital to the ceremony.  Humans were found to be especially gullible and were often made to perform silly dances or memorise pointless chants.  Some of these tricks ended up becoming a formal part of the ceremonies in order to prevent local rulers finding out they had been made fools of.  One of the earliest examlples of this was when the King of Filishar and his court were persuaded to turn up in outfits that were different colours on the left and right sides to represent the previous and new dominant elements, and the local mages had to quickly colour their own outfits to match.

Components and tools

Those attending the feast were expected to wear clothing which has the colour of the previous element on the left, and the colour of the new element on the right.  The elves have continued to wear such outfits when they go to view the Herald as a reminder of the foolishness of the short-lived races.


The Herald can be seen for two nights in the middle of Ling once every 103 years. While scholars calculated that the balance between elements changes 2 years earlier, the ceremony has been left where it is as the Herald provides a visible reminder of the change.
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Cover image: The party's camp by Tanai Cuinsear


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