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The Void

The Void is the pervading darkness of all existence, the home of all Demons and Demon Lords, as well as the Heavenly Realm of the God Chernobog.  


Fiends are the average residents of the Void, the basic Demons who populate its dark corridors, blending in with their surroundings to all outsiders.
Fiend by RovaRed
  Other Fiends and Demons can, of course, see Fiends in the Void. Their vision is attuned to that, after all.   Aside from Fiends, there are various Demons in each realm of the Void, specific to the Demon Lords themselves. These are either the creations of the Demon Lords or are the souls who bound themselves to a particular Demon Lord only to end up in the Void afterwards.   Some of these are horrifying tentacle creatures, while others are indescribable beasts beyond reason. Others, still, are normal seeming people that hold a bone-chilling secret, be it teeth for fingers or skin that freezes to the touch.  

Demon Lords

The Demon Lords are the rulers of the Void, with all 27 (26 not counting Chernobog) being the most powerful of all Demons and those who all Demons are subservient to.   Trav Lor, the Halfling Author, once wrote:
"Demon Lords are the closest one can get to Gods outside of Heaven, and the madness they induce is only proof that the Gods are beyond mortality, for no mortal could possibly fathom their power."
The Realms Above
Chernobog by Jarhed


Known by many names, Chernobog the All-Consuming Evil is the God of Demons, Tyranny, and Domination. He is considered not just to be pure evil, but the very definition of evil itself.   Chernobog claims to wish to kill all Gods for the sake of, what he calls, "The Old Gods." No one knows what he means by this, but there are those who believe in his teachings enough to wish the same.   Chernobog is the leader of the Demon Lords, and does not necessarily consider himself a God. Instead, he calls himself the mouthpiece of the Old Gods.
The 27 Demon Lords are as follows:
Sigismunnt by genuinetrickster
  • Chernobog- The All Consuming Evil
  • Torquemada- The Evil of Religion
  • Bohemia- The Evil of Desire
  • Regidagonus- The Evil of the Unknown
  • Yungirrid- The Evil of the Inner Self
  • Agrapine- The Evil of Law
  • Ivanikos- The Evil of Power
  • Apatheos- The Evil of Apathy
  • Deprecclio- The Evil of Despair
  • Marzanna- The Evil of Life and Death
  • Xandr- The Evil of Ambition
  • Poloppious- The Evil of Violence
  • Stilanid- The Evil of Loyalty
  • Ophein- The Evil of Knowledge
  • Sigismunnt- The Evil of the Mind
  • Nischadd- The Evil of Purpose
  • Yamotaru- The Evil of Honor
  • Espinosious- The Evil of Deceit
  • Himmvag- The Evil of Prejudice
  • Ba'ladin- The Evil of Atrocity
  • Lothrotaph- The Evil of the Unfathomable
  • Temporimous - The Evil of Change and Impermanence
  • Diodoxidros - The Evil of Ruin
  • Jovennt - The Evil of Pestilence
  • Sapphsophus - The Evil of Love
  • Dwindarr - The Evil of Nature
  • Aristippus - The Evil of Amusement

Locations in the Void

Generally, the Void is said to be made more of nothing than it is of anything in particular. An endless darkness that is made of nothing and yet exists stretches throughout all of the realm, making it impossible to traverse. To get between actual locations in the Void is said to be a miracle granted not by a God, but only possibly done by a Devil.   The Void has many separate realms, and while no mortal has been able to make it in and out in one piece, there are scant pieces of knowledge that can be found about some of the various places. Each place is controlled by a different Demon Lord, and it is said that there is an infinite amount of nothingness between each of the Demon Lords' realms.
Regidagonus by Yumedatchi

Font of Eternal Knowledge

Regidagonu has a realm that is said to be ever-expanding as more knowledge is gained. There are documents lining every wall, with red string connecting each document to another as Regidagonus pieces together clues that he claims are to "uncover the secrets of the universe."   Those in this place are said to be constantly helping Regidagonus work out the secrets of everything. They are the people who sought knowledge at whatever cost, and now pay that price.  

The Sovereign Throne

Ivanikos's place in the Void is said to be a great throne room, ornately designed, with the Demon Lord of Power himself sitting on its throne. He is an unmoving dog's head with a unicorn horn and a crown who stays still simply because he can, because he does not need to move to prove his power.   Around the throne room are his former hosts, grown fat with their hunger for power, they still crave more yet cannot have any more than they already possess.   These former hosts are forced to serve now the greater power: Ivanikos himself. They crawl around, slowly bringing things to him. It is said to take an eternity to bring Ivanikos a single drink due to the length of travel and the slowness of the fattened soul.  

The Demonic Dump

The Demonc Dump is the place of Apatheos, the Evil of Apathy. It is said to be trash piled up around the entire area, for no one cares enough to clean it. The apathy of those present has grown to the point that not only do they not wish to, but some say even if desire changed them, their bodies have adapted to apathy and they would be unable to move.   The pile of people is as tall as the piles of trash, as often people appear in the same place in the Demonic Dump, and have no desire to get up. The smell of the Demonic Dump is said to be the worst smell in all of the realms.  

The Vat of Life

Sigismunnt's part of the Void is said to be one of two things: either simply a vat of liquid where one floats around endlessly or a fate that is worse yet better.   For the secondary hypothesis for Sigismunnt's place is that of a simulation, where all people have their brains removed and placed in jars. These brains then simulate life as if they are in a perfectly normal world rather than the void, meanwhile their mindless souls are taken by Sigismunnt to do with as he pleases as their minds are occupied with "life."  

Covers of Flowing Sorrow

Deprecclio, the Evil of Despair, is said to have a place in the Void that traps each individual alone in a replica of their bedroom, where they grow stir crazy and lonely until they cry out for anyone. For their friends, family, loved ones, even those they hated. The people who are trapped beneath the Covers of Flowing Sorrow are said to be the most willing to accept any outsiders, but as they have not seen another person in what feels to them like eternity, they would likely attack anyone they meet.  
Sapphsophus by Yumedatchi

Sapphsophus's Malevolent Dream House

Sapphsophus, the Evil of Love, is said to have a beautiful house of entirely pink, with glitter, heart shaped decorations, and frilly carpets. There are endless rooms always available to share with those who hold endless love in their hearts. Normal baths cannot be taken, only bright pink bubble baths.   Surfboards line the walls, and a pool is outside, but it is impossible to reach outside to swim in the pool. All glass doors and windows turn into mirrors if one tries to open them, and those clouded by Sapphsophus's judgement find themselves lost in the reflections.   While not the most terrifying of places for those who end up there, for their minds and hearts are already clouded by love, any who end up there not due to a relation to Sapphsophus, be it an intruder or a lost soul, will find themselves overwhelmed by love and either ending up as part of Sapphsophus's himbo/bimbo army, or torn apart by the whims of adoration and lust.  

The Hall of Immortal Pleasures

The Realm of Bohemia, the Evil of Desire, the Hall of Immortal Pleasures is filled with nothing but vices that would otherwise, according to most religions, be evil or at least frowned upon.   Whore houses of faceless people who become the most desired person in the mind of whomever gazes upon them and bars of endless liquor are the most familiar imagery associated with the Hall of Immortal Pleasures. Also there are buildings lined with rooms filled with gold, food, or mirrors.  

The Unreachable Athenaeum

Lothrotaph, the Evil of the Unfathomable, deals in knowledge that cannot and should not be comprehended, and therefore his place in the Void is a library. The people there are forced to roam its halls and not read the books, for if one were to attempt it, they would be driven mad before they could even hope to understand the first word, for its language is one that is unknown by all mortals and immortals. Some even wonder if Lothrotaph himself understands the language, or if he translated it into this so that the information can be lost.   The ground in this area is broken apart, with the land being disconnected from the rest so that one must jump around the land to get to another area of the library. Beneath that broken ground is naught by abyss, a great void of nothingness that leads to the greater Void itself, where one is lost forever in eternal emptiness.  

The Shifting Nothingness

Temporimous, the Evil of Change and Impermanence, has a place in the Void that is all but consistent. It shifts constantly, different for each who go into it, as they are trapped forever living out each stage of their life, shifting at random intervals to a new part of their life, constantly keeping them on their toes as they must relive their best and worst moments for all of eternity.
Yamotaru by RovaRed

Edge of the Void

There is no particular place in the Void for those who followed or were host to Yamotaru the Evil of Honor, Poloppius the Evil of Violence, and some other Demon Lords unmentioned. Instead, they are brought to the very corner of the nothingness, the Edge of the Void, to become soldiers under the command of the Demon Lords.   A small slit here marks the Edge of the Void, where Demons may try to penetrate to escape. It is the only entrance and exit to the Void, leading directly to Hell.   Here, the soldiers of Yamotaru and Poloppius fight with their Demon Lords against the Devils so that one day they may escape the Void, escape Hell itself, and reach Heaven so that they may slay the Gods as they wish to do. So that they may live once more in the world above not surrounded by darkness.

Cover image: Chernobog the All Consuming Evil by Jarhed


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