The Legend of Ludhar the Lizardman Myth in Totania | World Anvil
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The Legend of Ludhar the Lizardman


Ludhar the Lizardman was born into the dangerous Lizardfolk city of Scarde. Scarde was a walled off city, on a mountainous border between Lizardfolk and Orc territory, and was also in danger of the Black Dragon Lord, Reoma the Wretched.   Lizardfolk were in immense danger everywhere they looked. Everyday life in the city consisted of constant battles, training for battles, or recovering from battle. The mages that existed were all offensive mages, making spells that could kill as many foes as they could muster, or do as much harm to Reoma as possible.   Ludhar despised this. He believed that Magic was not just about hurting people. He wondered whether magic could be used to help. He began by going to the soldiers, weary from battle, and cleaning out their wounds with his water magic.   Overtime, this helpful magic of his grew into a new form of magic: Healing magic. This magic not only cleaned, but healed wounds. Ludhar was considered the first healing mage, and contributed heavily towards turning the tide of major battles in Scarde. He healed the Owner General and his troops, helping him get back into battle quicker and defend the city more successfully.   Yet Ludhar's greatest achievement was against Reoma the Wretched. He stood atop the walls of Scarde, facing down the Dragon Lord, and he spoke with him. Ludhar wanted peace, not war. He offered to heal a wound on Reoma's belly in return for not attacking Scarde. Reoma agreed, and Ludhar mended the wound made by arrows and katanas that spanned his stomach. Reoma, in thanks, retreated from Scarde, and Ludhar was hailed as a hero.   Ludhar continued healing Lizardfolk soldiers for a few years, gaining many more achievements to be considered a legendary figure. He never took a wife, and even negotiated a temporary peace with the Kamejin. Then, in the year -648, after 5 years of healing, Ludhar took a group of Lizardfolk beyond the mountains to settle the new village of Attleset.

Historical Basis

Ludhar was, according to all records, a very real Lizardman. He truly existed in the time period the legend claims, and even has descendants who can trace their lineage to Ludhar. He was also a healing mage, and did support the Lizardfolk military. Finally, he did truly settle the village of Attleset.   It is in the finer details that the story gets muddied. Ludhar did not just have healing magic. If he did, he would not have survived in Lizardfolk territory. He had offensive magic as well as healing magic. He was also not the first recorded person to use healing magic, as about a hundred years before he gained healing magic, the first Grand Wizard Kilprax Ildial died. Prior to his death, Kilprax had used healing magic for over a thousand years, and had distributed tidbits of it to his students.   Ludhar was, however, the first healing mage outside of Draconian territory, and the one who truly contributed to its spread in the wider world. This fact is true, unlike the story that says he did not have a wife. Ludhar was like most Lizardfolk, and took six wives. Those wives, in turn, each took five additional husbands, bringing Ludhar's family before factoring in children to a whopping 31 people.   The Owner General actually hated Ludhar, saying that the healing mage overshadowed his own achievements. Because of this, he never was healed by Ludhar, as he refused to accept it. Surprisingly, Reoma did accept Ludhar's healing magic, but it was actually Ludhar's heated battle of words with Reoma that caused the Dragon to retreat.   Another fact that is not lied about, but rather omitted, is what happened after the founding of Attleset. Ludhar kept it running for two years before Orcs raided it and wiped out everyone in the village. Resettlement attempts happened, but all failed, and Attleset now sits abandoned.
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting

Cultural Reception

Ludhar is considered a hero for the Lizardfolk, as a bastion of hope and perseverance. When Lizardfolk are in a desparate situation, they will often sing songs of him to remind themselves of the hope they can find.   Other cultures around the world have adopted the story to show how great healing mages are. Cultures perpetuate it so that people choose to become healing mages, and due to that some cultures do not tell this story. Orcs, Korvians, and Dwarves especially like to ignore this tale, and very few Elves will tell it either.  

Ludhar's Legion

Among the cultures that do tell it, there have been many mages that try to take after Ludhar. Most notably, Ludhar's Legion, a group of healing mages that do not take spouses and instead devote their lives to healing. They wear Ludhar's robes, and do not marry. Instead, they travel the world bringing joy and health to those that need it.
Ludhar's Legion by Jarhed


Some stories say Ludhar learned his healing magic by going to the Magic College. Others tell of a group of healers that learned direct techniques from Ludhar and then went out into different parts of the world to spread it. A final story says Reoma himself helped Ludhar found Attleset as a favor for healing his scar.   While these stories are nice additions to the Legend of Ludhar, there is no historical basis for them, and overall they take away from Ludhar's true singular impact.  

In Art

There is a famous Lizardfolk song that is played about Ludhar, known as "The Hopeful Healer". The music accompaniment is done with the bowstrings of warriors, who pluck at their bows on the battlefield as soldiers sing of Ludhar's accomplishments. The lyrics tell of his tales, but the chorus goes as follows:
Ludhar the Lizardman,   He taught me to believe that I can!   Never will I back down,   We won't give up while I'm still around!
Ludhar Bard playing the Hopeful Healer by Jarhed

Articles under The Legend of Ludhar the Lizardman

Cover image: Ludhar the Lizardman by Jarhed


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