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Sia's Crystal Ball

The Eye of Prophecy

Sia's Crystal Ball is the Divine Item for the Goddess of Knowledge and Prophecy, Sia. It holds the Item Magic known as Prediction Magic. While it is the only Divine Item with no offensive capabilities, it is said that Prediction Magic can be more dangerous than any other, because it can allow someone to peer into horrors beyond the present day, and can set fate on an unalterable course.  

The Goddess's Eyes

Whether Sia's Crystal Ball is made of true crystal or just glass is unknown. What is know is that it cannot be shattered, and cracks in it represent the stability of the future itself. If a crack has appeared, the crystal ball will show something that is wrong, that must be fixed for the sake of the world.
Sia by Jarhed


The crystal ball does not hold the magic, but instead a blessing from Sia that unlocks Prediction Magic within the one that holds it, though it can only be wielded by one person at a time.   Until the person that wields the magic dies, they can utilize it even without the crystal ball, though the ball itself is a powerful conduit to prevent insanity in its users.   Prediction Magic allows one to see possible futures. It is never a certainty, but when they look into it, it makes the things they see more likely to happen, and with some events it cements their fate, making it a certainty that something will come to pass.   It is a heavy burden, to see the future, as it does not grant immense power, and thus it can leave those that wield it with a powerless feeling that they may see the future and know what it contains, but be unable to do anything about it.   The greatest combat use that has been found for it is using it to predict an enemy's moves, making dodging easier because the user knows what is coming. If the wielder is not skilled enough, fast enough, or durable enough, then this is pointless.  


Sia's Crystal Ball is said to be one of the first, if not the first, Divine Items created. The legend says that the first wielder of Prediction Magic saw their own death, and they had no way to convey it as speech had not yet come about. Thus, as they say, speech was created to convey the fear of death and work to prevent it.   The Crystal Ball was then used prominently in the Giant Kingdom, where a fortune teller passed it down generations to predict the goings on of the kingdom. Some rebelled, but it always ended up back in the hands of the King until the day of Selene's Fury, when the fortune teller read the future and saw the coming waves, seeing no way out. They refused to even look. They accepted that the Giant Kingdom would fall and the Giants would die.   Sia's Crystal Ball was said to have washed ashore on the mainland of Elone years later, the final piece of the ruins to make landfall.

Item Magic

Sia's Crystal Ball is one of many Divine Items that contain Item Magic, a magic that derives from the domain of one of the Gods. The others are as follows:  
  • Mimir's Book of Souls- Soul Magic
  • Tohil's Blade- Sword Magic
  • Izanagi's Hourglass- Time Magic
  • Amukk's Rope- Binding Magic
  • Tsukuyomi's Bottle- Poison Magic
  • Phrixus's Shield- Shield Magic
  • Papatūānuku's Stick- Beast Magic
  • Leigong's Gloves- Strength Magic
  • Morrigan's Scythe- Death Magic
  • Nergal's Knife- Deconstruction Magic
  • Athena's Brick- Structure Magic
  • Fortuna's Die- Luck Magic
  • Mayowa's Brush- Art Magic
  • Chernobog's Eye- Demon Magic
  • Selene's Shifting Item- Copy Magic
  • Helle's Brain- Mind Magic
  • Kadakalan's Unbreakable Scroll- Life Magic
  • Erra's Fork- Food Magic
  • Irkalla's Doll- Curse Magic
  • Ishtar's Pillow- Dream Magic
  • Satanael's Horn- Devil Magic
  • Hadur's Hammer- Weapon Magic
  • Janus's Pipe- Portal Magic
  • Nyx's Cloak- Shadow Magic
  • Ninatta's Harp- Music Magic
  • Tartarus's Cage- Capture Magic

Cover image: by Alexas_Fotos


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