Gravewalker's Mantle Item in Torlas | World Anvil

Gravewalker's Mantle

This studded leather armour is covered in the markings and feathers of the Lord of Ravens and was previously worn by his champions in the Wars of Sundering. It is one of the recovered Remnants of Sundering and can only be used by someone of a non-evil disposition. As it awakens, more markings are revealed and light up when used.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Dormant State: Your defence is increased more than leather armour usually does. Resistant to necrotic damage. You are more likely to recover from deadly injuries.   Awakened State: Your defence is further increased. Resistant to necrotic damage and one other type of elemental damage that can be chosen at the end of any rest.   Empowered State: Your defence is even further increased. On top of everything else, the armour can sprout large, black raven wings. These last for 30 minutes and can fly at around 12 miles an hour.
Item type
Subtype / Model
Owning Organization
Incredibly rare; a unique item with no equal.
Raw materials & Components
This armour is made of black-dyed leather with raven feathers to embellish and some patterned stitching. As it further awakens the number and lustre of the feather increases, and the stitching becomes bright and silvery with greater detail and intricacy.