Academy of sience, magcial order and high magic of gods, dragons and demons Settlement in Torika | World Anvil

Academy of sience, magcial order and high magic of gods, dragons and demons

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The Academy of the Mage Order stands as the epicenter of magical knowledge and enlightenment, serving as both the headquarters and sole educational institution of the esteemed order. Within its hallowed halls, aspiring mages embark on a journey of discovery and mastery, guided by the wisdom of their predecessors and the boundless potential of the arcane arts.   At the heart of the academy lies its crowning jewel: the Citadel, a bastion of strength and resilience that serves as the guardian of the academy's sacred knowledge. Within its formidable walls, the order's members gather to deliberate, strategize, and safeguard the interests of the mage order.   Below the Citadel lies the Great Library, a vast repository of ancient tomes, esoteric manuscripts, and scholarly treatises spanning countless generations. Here, seekers of knowledge delve into the mysteries of magic, uncovering hidden truths and unlocking the secrets of the cosmos.


22,690 Humans: Predominantly hailing from the surrounding areas, these individuals primarily engage in farming and craftsmanship, providing vital support to the Order. Among them, approximately 4,000 are mages, with some possessing the title of wizards.   4,630 Roneron Elves: Residing within the Roneron region, these elves play a crucial role in governance and administration, with many serving as officials within the Order. Approximately 1,000 of them are mages, while only a few are wizards.   2,458 Kurwresen Elves: Hailing from the Kurwresen territory, these elves boast a considerable magical aptitude, with around 800 among them practicing magic, with a significant portion holding only title of wizards.   132 Ka-Tah: These individuals were abducted as children from various tribes and are closely monitored as mages within the Order. Their upbringing within the Order ensures rigorous oversight and control over their magical abilities.



The Academy is encircled by a sturdy conventional wall, a testament to the ingenuity of its defenders. Constructed by skilled craftsmen in response to a series of attacks by lesser dragons, this barrier serves as the first line of defense against external threats. However, its resilience is not solely reliant on mortal craftsmanship. To bolster its defenses, mages have woven powerful enchantments into the very fabric of the wall, imbuing it with enhanced durability and warding off the ravages of time and corrosion.   But the protection of the Academy does not end there. In a display of magical prowess, the mages have erected a formidable barrier that encases the entirety of the Academy, effectively sealing off ingress and egress without the explicit consent of the Wise Ones. This magical shield acts as a safeguard against unauthorized entry by magical beings, ensuring the security and sanctity of the Academy grounds. With these combined measures in place, the Academy stands as an impregnable bastion of knowledge and learning, shielded from both mundane and mystical threats alike.

Industry & Trade

The Academy primarily focuses on self-sufficiency, crafting goods that meet its own needs and occasionally offering them for sale in the bustling market that sprawls before its grand entrance. However, there is one notable exception to this practice: goods forged from the legendary magical metal Excalibur. These rare and coveted items are only sporadically made available for purchase, treasured by collectors and connoisseurs fortunate enough to acquire them.   While the Academy's artisanal endeavors provide a modest stream of revenue, the true economic engine of the city is fueled by the mercenary activities undertaken by the members of the Mage Order. Renowned for their formidable combat prowess and unwavering dedication to their cause, these mercenaries are sought after by kingdoms and nobles far and wide, offering their services in exchange for wealth, prestige, and influence. Through their exploits on the battlefield, they not only secure vital resources for the Academy but also bolster the city's prosperity and standing in the wider world.

Natural Resources

The Academy's transformation of the surrounding landscape was a monumental endeavor, reshaping the once-rolling hills into expansive plains through the mastery of terraforming magic. In their pursuit of progress and expansion, the mages harnessed the very earth itself, extracting its natural resources to fuel their ambitious project.   As the terrain underwent a dramatic metamorphosis, the non-mages seized the opportunity to cultivate the newly formed plains, establishing fertile farmland and vast tree farms across the rejuvenated landscape. Through their toil and ingenuity, they nurtured the land into bountiful fields and verdant forests, ensuring the sustenance and prosperity of the burgeoning community that had taken root within the shadow of the Academy's walls.   In this symbiotic relationship between magic and manual labor, the once-barren hills gave way to a flourishing expanse of cultivated land, a testament to the transformative power of human ambition and the boundless potential of arcane mastery. Together, mages and non-mages alike worked hand in hand to shape their shared destiny, forging a new legacy upon the fertile plains that now stretched out before them.
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Alternative Name(s)
Academy of the Mage Order
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Mages, Wizards
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