Order of sience and high magic of gods, dragons and demons Organization in Torika | World Anvil

Order of sience and high magic of gods, dragons and demons

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The Order of Science and High Magic of Gods, Dragons, and Demons commands unparalleled authority and influence throughout Troika, standing as one of the most formidable organizations in the realm. However, their considerable power has not gone unnoticed, with many questioning the extent of their dominion and the degree of control they exert over the nobility and monarchs.


At the helm of the Order stand the esteemed council of the Wise Ones, a group of thirteen revered individuals of equal juristic power. Unified in their authority, any decision concerning the enactment of new rules or the construction of new edifices requires consensus among all thirteen members. Should one Wise One propose a course of action, the others, if invested in the project, reserve the right to voice their objections.   Foremost among these sagacious leaders stands Omitron, the eldest and most renowned among the Wise Ones. Acting as the primary ambassador of the Order in matters of diplomacy and forging alliances, Omitron's name resonates far beyond the confines of the Order, earning him widespread recognition among both mages and non-mages alike. While Omitron spearheads external affairs, his twelve counterparts primarily focus their efforts within the Order, though they are not averse to undertaking diplomatic missions when the need arises and Omitron is otherwise engaged.   Following the Wise Ones in influence and authority are the esteemed 7th Ring Mages, who wield considerable power within their respective fields. While their jurisdiction extends primarily to their areas of expertise, their opinions carry substantial weight among their peers, often enough to sway decisions even beyond their purview.   Next in the hierarchy are the 6th Ring Mages, tasked with the noble duty of instructing and guiding the next generation of mages. Endowed with the ability to manipulate the planes, they hold dominion over the realm of teaching and training. However, their authority is not absolute, as any significant alterations to the planes require approval from the Wise Ones, ensuring checks and balances within the Order's governance structure.

Public Agenda

The Mage Order is driven by two primary objectives, each essential to their mission and purpose:
  1. Expansion of Knowledge: At the core of their endeavors lies a relentless pursuit of understanding, both of the natural world and the arcane forces that shape it. Through rigorous research and exploration, the mages of the Order seek to unravel the mysteries of magic, pushing the boundaries of their understanding ever further.
  2. Protection of the Realm: Equally paramount is their duty to safeguard the populace from the perils of external magical threats. To this end, the Order spares no effort in identifying and securing every latent mage scattered across the continent. Employing a range of methods, from negotiation and recruitment to coercion and, when necessary, elimination, they ensure that these potential sources of magical danger are brought under their purview and kept in check. This relentless pursuit underscores their unwavering commitment to the safety and welfare of the realm.


The Mage Order traces its origins back to the visionary Prisum Rotec, who laid the foundation for its inception in the year 3504 BDD with the establishment of the Citadel. Prior to this monumental undertaking, Prisum had assembled a gathering of mages, though it was not yet formalized into what would become known as the Mage Order.   From its earliest days, the Order emerged as a formidable force, proving instrumental in the pivotal conflict against the incursion of the first demons. Their mastery of magic and unwavering dedication played a pivotal role in turning the tide of battle, securing victory for the forces of light against the encroaching darkness.   Among their many triumphs, perhaps none stands as testament to their valor and determination more than the liberation of Dragon Breach from the clutches of the wasteland. Through their tireless efforts and formidable magical prowess, they broke the chains that bound the great city, restoring its trade to former glory and ushering in a new era of hope and prosperity for its inhabitants.

Demography and Population

The Mage Order sustains a diverse population of approximately one hundred thousand individuals, with thirty thousand residing within the fortified walls of the academy, while the remainder dwell in farmsteads scattered throughout the surrounding lands.   The predominant demographic comprises humans hailing from the neighboring empire and kingdoms, the majority of whom are engaged in agricultural and artisanal pursuits. Among them, only a select few thousand possess the latent potential to wield magic.   Roneron elves are concentrated within the academy grounds, with roughly a fifth of their population possessing magical abilities, while the remainder serve as highly skilled officials integral to the Order's governance and operations.   Kurwresen elves are dispersed across the Order's territory, with some dwelling within the academy and others assisting with agricultural endeavors on the farmsteads. Only a minority of them possess magical aptitude, primarily at lower levels of proficiency.   A small contingent of Ka-Tahs reside within the lands of the Mage Order, with the majority confined within the academy's confines under strict supervision. Known for their aggressive nature and affinity for black magic, all Ka-Tahs are mages, though their numbers are limited and tightly regulated.  

Member Count

As of the current moment, the Mage Order boasts a membership comprising a total of 5,920 individuals, each contributing their unique talents and expertise to the collective pursuit of magical knowledge and mastery. The distribution of members across the various rings of the Order reflects a diverse array of roles and responsibilities, each integral to the Order's overarching mission:   1st Ring: 1,843 members bear the title of Mage Apprentice Minor, denoting their status as students of the arcane arts, embarking on the initial stages of their journey towards mastery.
  2nd Ring: 1,256 members hold the title of Mage Apprentice Major, distinguished as young mages, arcane novices, or scouts, honing their skills and expanding their understanding of magic.
  3rd Ring: A significant portion of the Order's membership, numbering 3,450 individuals, are recognized as Mages, assuming roles such as battlemages, arcane students, seekers, or exorcists, contributing their talents to various aspects of the Order's endeavors.
  4th Ring: 315 members attain the prestigious title of High Mage, serving as captains, arcane teachers, inquisitors, or explorers, entrusted with leadership roles and responsibilities within the Order.
  5th Ring: A select group of 25 members are honored with the title of Great Mage, assuming positions such as sergeants, faculty heads, great inquisitors, or surveyors, wielding considerable influence and authority within the Order.
  6th Ring: 18 members achieve the esteemed title of Magus, ascending to roles such as generals, deans, or head inquisitors, leading the Order's most important initiatives and expeditions.
  7th Ring: The highest echelon of the Order boasts 19 members bearing the title of Arch Magus, representing the pinnacle of magical mastery and leadership within the Mage Order.
    Together, these members comprise a diverse and dynamic community united in their shared pursuit of magical knowledge and excellence, each contributing their unique talents and expertise to the ongoing legacy of the Mage Order.

Foreign Relations

The Mage Order navigates a delicate web of diplomatic relations with foreign nations, their alliances and rivalries subject to sudden shifts and reversals. Despite their tendency to prioritize their mission over political considerations, they strive to maintain amicable ties with most nations.   However, the relationship with the Tredimer Empire stands as the most complex and fraught. The lands occupied by the Mage Order were once rightfully part of the empire, leading to longstanding tensions and disputes. Throughout the years, numerous noble houses have attempted to reclaim these territories through various means, including diplomatic maneuvering and even outright force. Yet, all such endeavors have met with failure, thwarted by the steadfast resistance of the Mage Order.   Despite the fraught history, the Mage Order remains committed to avoiding open conflict with the Tredimer Empire, recognizing the potential devastation such a clash could bring. Instead, they navigate this delicate balance with vigilance and caution, mindful of the ever-present specter of hostilities lingering just beneath the surface.
Founding Date
3504 BDD
Education, Magic
Alternative Names
Mage Order, Mage Academy
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Related Professions
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Order of sience and high magic of gods, dragons and demons


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