Mages of the mage order Profession in Torika | World Anvil

Mages of the mage order

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Path of a mage

Within the sprawling halls of the Order, a rigid tier system governs the progression of its members, each individual placed within a designated ring ranging from the humble 1st Ring to the esteemed 7th Ring. However, beneath this structured hierarchy lies a hidden stratum known as the 0th tier, populated by those deemed non-mages upon their entry into the Order's fold.   At the onset of their journey, these non-mages are not counted among the official records nor granted the title of mage. Instead, they are tasked with learning the fundamental principles of magic and assisting with menial chores within the academy's confines, under the tutelage of non-mage instructors well-versed in the theoretical aspects of magic.   Following a year of rigorous study and service, non-mages are afforded the opportunity to undergo the daunting trials held at the culmination of the Light Month. Success in these exams marks their ascension to the coveted 1st Ring, granting them the esteemed title of mage. However, failure carries weighty consequences; candidates are granted two additional chances to prove their worth, but should they falter thrice, they are forever barred from the path of magic, consigned to labor alongside craftsmen and farmers within the academy's domain.   For those deemed unsuitable candidates, the Order reserves the right to conduct experiments of varying degrees of severity, a grim fate reserved for those deemed unfit to tread the path of magic. Thus, the journey of a non-mage within the Order is fraught with challenges and the ever-looming specter of failure, underscoring the high stakes and stringent standards demanded by the pursuit of magical mastery.
i hear the brat of the lord shatterd a window last week and now he his gone.
pah, he threw a rock. that little brat.
the order took him, i saw it
-peasents talking about their lords misfortune

  Upon reaching the 1st ring within the Mage Order, students ascend to a new echelon of respect and responsibility. As mages-in-training, they are granted access to the hallowed halls of the Great Library, albeit restricted to the first floor, where volumes of arcane knowledge beckon with tantalizing secrets.   Apprentices' duties diverge from those of non-mages; they now serve as invaluable aides to second and third ring mages, assisting in their studies and research endeavors. To be entrusted with such tasks is considered a great honor, affording apprentices the opportunity to glean wisdom from their more experienced peers, particularly those of higher rings.   Under the guidance of fourth ring mages, apprentices delve into the realm of practical magic for the first time, honing their skills and mastering the intricacies of spellcasting. These mentors play a pivotal role in the apprentices' development, providing guidance and instruction as they navigate the complexities of magical theory and application.   Upon demonstrating proficiency deemed worthy of advancement, apprentices receive recommendations from their teachers to undergo the next round of examinations. Success in these trials heralds their ascent to the next ring of mastery, while failure, if repeated thrice, condemns them to remain stagnant in their current rank for the remainder of their tenure within the Order. Thus, the journey of an apprentice is one marked by dedication, perseverance, and the pursuit of ever-greater heights of magical prowess.

i saw it with my own eye, three people. One holding down a boar without touching it talking nonsense to the other two
-a mercenary in a tavern

  After a student reached the 2nd ring they must enter one of the four main paths for a mage:

Battle mages

The path of the battlemages is the most sought-after among aspirants, drawing those eager to serve as frontline warriors for the Order. These mages are revered as foot soldiers, wielding their formidable magical prowess in defense of the realm and standing as the most highly requested individuals from nations continent-wide.
Worse than sellswords.They will not simply kill you, they turn you into a pile of ash
-opinion about the battlemages


Following closely behind is the path of intelligence, attracting those with a cunning mind and a thirst for knowledge. Mages on this path are trained as spies and searchers, adept at gathering information and uncovering conspiracies that threaten the Order's interests. Their expertise lies in the clandestine arts of espionage and subterfuge.
Don’t say anything about rouge mages or magical artefacts, otherwise the inquisitors are coming and if they are here no one will be happy.
- people whispering about inquisitors

Scientific Mages

For those driven by a relentless curiosity and a passion for discovery, the path of scientific mages beckons. These scholars dedicate themselves to the pursuit of knowledge, delving into the mysteries of magic and the natural world. While this path is fraught with challenges and offers the least immediate practical application of magic, it promises unparalleled insights into the nature of existence itself.
The scours of magic is... bla bla bla, Gravity ... bla bla bla. Can you show us the trick where you created stuff out of thin air?
- normal response to a scientific mage when he tries to explain something


Support mages

Support Mages: The path of support is chosen by those with compassionate hearts and a desire to aid others in times of need. These mages learn to harness their magic not for combat, but for healing and restoration, offering aid and solace to those affected by conflict and calamity. Though less frequently traversed than the others, this path is marked by its altruism and dedication to service.
If you see the mages in white coats, be worried if nothing happened or be happy if something happened
- Common people about support mages

  As full-time students of the 2nd ring, aspiring mages embark on a rigorous journey of learning and growth, guided by a structured system designed to cultivate their magical abilities and knowledge. Throughout their tenure, they must accrue points across various categories through their participation in classes, practical training, and examinations.   In their classes, students delve into the intricacies of magic, learning its underlying principles and how to harness its power. Practical training sessions allow them to apply their newfound knowledge in real-world scenarios, honing their skills and refining their spellcasting abilities. Additionally, students partake in classes from other paths, gaining insight into different facets of magical specialization and broadening their understanding of the mystical arts.   At the end of each month, tests are administered to assess the students' comprehension and mastery of the material covered. Those who fall behind are offered the opportunity to attend extra classes to catch up, ensuring that no aspiring mage is left behind in their journey towards mastery.   Typically, a 2nd ring mage requires four years of diligent study and effort to accumulate enough points to qualify for the final examinations. However, this path is not without its challenges, as students are granted only three attempts to pass these pivotal tests. Should they fail after the third attempt, their progression is halted, and they are relegated to the role of assistants or squires for higher-ranking mages within the Order.   Thus, the journey of a 2nd ring mage is one marked by perseverance, dedication, and the unwavering pursuit of excellence in the magical arts, with each trial and triumph bringing them closer to their ultimate goal of mastery and advancement within the Mage Order.
They helped us, what did you oh honorable knights do? Nothing, but the outsiders? They did your job in one day. One day and the bandits were gone!
-protective farmer

  Upon achieving the esteemed rank of 3rd ring within the Mage Order, mages ascend to a new level of prestige and responsibility, granted access to the revered second floors of the Great Library and entrusted with missions both within and beyond the confines of the Order's domain. This pivotal stage in their career marks a critical juncture, as mages must deliberate whether to pursue further advancement in the rings or to remain at this level, secure in their accomplishments and contributions to the Order.   With access to the wealth of knowledge contained within the Great Library's upper floors, mages of the 3rd ring are afforded unprecedented opportunities for research and study, delving into esoteric tomes and ancient scrolls in search of arcane insights and hidden truths. Simultaneously, they are entrusted with missions of vital importance, tasked with representing the Order's interests in the wider world and confronting threats to its stability and security.   For many mages, the decision to advance to higher rings carries significant weight, as each successive rank brings with it increased prestige and influence within the Order's hierarchy. However, there are those who find fulfillment and purpose in remaining at the 3rd ring, content with their achievements and the respect afforded to them by their peers.   Indeed, the 3rd ring represents the first stage in the Mage Order where mages can stand proudly without fear of judgment or shame, their accomplishments recognized and respected by all. Whether they choose to ascend further or to remain at this level, mages of the 3rd ring embody the ideals of excellence, dedication, and service that define the noble traditions of the Mage Order.   Advancing to the esteemed rank of the 4th ring within the Mage Order is a milestone that marks a profound understanding and mastery of the arcane arts, far surpassing the teachings of lower rings. To ascend to this esteemed rank, a mage must demonstrate not only exceptional knowledge and skill but also unwavering dedication and commitment to their craft. The journey to the 4th ring is arduous and demanding, requiring mages to prove themselves worthy through rigorous examination overseen by a mage of the 5th ring, a testament to the gravity and significance of this momentous occasion.   Unlike previous exams where the class teacher supervised the proceedings, the examination for ascension to the 4th ring holds no bounds of limitation. Mages of the 3rd ring may attempt the examination as many times as necessary, provided they can secure the supervision of a higher-ranking mage. There are no predetermined rules or criteria for qualification; rather, ascension is contingent upon the judgment and discretion of the overseeing mage. If deemed worthy, the 3rd ring mage is granted the coveted title of high mage or wizard, signifying their elevated status within the Order.
I was lucky. Lady Amabel was right there when I hit my feet with the spade. Halve my foot was cut and she touched and it grew togther right there.
-Farmer outside the academy

  As a 4th ring mage, one gains the privilege to impart knowledge and wisdom to others, assuming the role of teacher and mentor to aspiring mages. Additionally, they are entrusted with leadership responsibilities, overseeing small-scale operations and guiding fellow members of the Order. Furthermore, they enjoy unrestricted access to the non-sealed floors of the Great Library, unlocking boundless opportunities for research, discovery, and enlightenment.   The attainment of the 4th ring represents a pinnacle of achievement for mages within the Order, a testament to their unwavering dedication, expertise, and contributions to the advancement of magical knowledge and practice. As high mages or wizards, they stand as paragons of wisdom and authority, entrusted with the sacred duty of guiding the Order into a future illuminated by the boundless possibilities of the arcane.
I saw one.
What one?
One of these mages, by the look of it a high one. It killed a greyling without moving. Normaly it would take 10 knights to kill one.
-two Tredimer nobles

  Ascending to the esteemed rank of the 5th ring within the Mage Order represents a pinnacle of achievement, requiring a 4th ring mage to deepen their understanding of their chosen field and contribute significant knowledge to the collective wisdom of the Order. At this pivotal stage in their career, mages are tasked with producing a work of literature that enriches the Great Library, thereby cementing their place in the annals of Mage Order history.   Upon reaching the 5th ring, mages are bestowed with the prestigious title of Magus, signifying their status as masters of their craft. This esteemed rank grants them unparalleled access to the entirety of the Great Library, including its sealed floors, where the most arcane and esoteric knowledge is housed. With this access comes the responsibility to steward the vast repository of knowledge, safeguarding its treasures for future generations of mages to explore and learn from.   In addition to their expanded access to the Great Library, 5th ring mages are entrusted with greater leadership roles within the Order. They have the authority to oversee entire courses of study, guiding the education and development of their fellow mages. Furthermore, they often lead expeditions and larger groups of mages, venturing into uncharted territories and confronting the unknown in pursuit of new discoveries and insights.   The attainment of the 5th ring represents not only a personal triumph for the individual mage but also a significant contribution to the collective knowledge and legacy of the Mage Order. As Magi, these mages stand as exemplars of wisdom, leadership, and innovation, guiding the Order forward into a future illuminated by the boundless possibilities of magic.
You inquisitors will never get information out of me.
Great inquisitors.
I'm a great inquisitors and that is not for you to decide.
-the last words of a rouge mage

  The esteemed 6th ring is a privilege reserved for only the most venerable mages, individuals who have demonstrated extraordinary prowess and potential, not only benefiting the Mage Order in the present but also laying foundations for its future prosperity. It is a rare honor bestowed solely upon 5th ring mages of remarkable achievements. Once a year, amidst solemn deliberation, the council of 7th ring mages convenes to determine if a 5th ring mage is worthy of ascending to this exalted rank.   To be recognized as a 6th ring mage is to hold the prestigious title of Magus, a distinction that commands reverence akin to that of kings and dukes, symbolizing unparalleled wisdom, mastery, and contribution to the arcane arts.
One mage against a Ka-Tah attack group. 1 vs 40 and he erase them. Not a speack of dust left from them.
-Garfol veteran making a report

  The pinnacle of magical achievement, the 7th ring, is reserved for those who have transcended mere mastery to become living legends among mages. They stand as the paragon of magical prowess, unrivaled in their fields, possessing capabilities that could alter the course of wars or reshape landscapes with a mere thought. However, despite their awe-inspiring power, none of these esteemed mages are driven by worldly ambitions. Instead, they are consumed by an insatiable thirst for arcane knowledge, tirelessly seeking to unravel the deepest mysteries of magic and unlock its most guarded secrets.   To ascend to the esteemed rank of the Wise Ones, a mage must undergo a rigorous selection process conducted by a council comprising all active Wise Ones, alongside 7th and 6th ring mages. While this title may primarily entail administrative duties, the fact that it is bestowed upon individuals from the highest echelons of magical mastery ensures that their prowess is unquestionable.   The role of a Wise One extends far beyond mere magical prowess; they are tasked with guiding and overseeing the Mage Order, managing grand initiatives and plans, forging alliances with external powers, allocating research funds, determining access to the sealed floors of knowledge, and shaping the future trajectory of the order itself. As a mark of their status, each Wise One is granted their own floor within the Tower of the Wise Ones, a sanctum accessible only to a select few outside the 5th ring and above.
The old elf dosn't look to great. He looks tired
-a king to his adviser


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