
Yvva, the cunning and imposing Dragon, became a legend in the history of Eldrida. His influence and strict regulations on Magic persisted throughout the generations, shaping the kingdom's destiny for centuries to come.  


Yvva held a deep disdain for mere mortals, particularly humans, whom he considered unworthy of the magic that some rare individuals possessed. He craved a realm of his own, a kingdom where his draconic supremacy would reign supreme. And so, Yvva set out to create his domain.   His first attempt was to take over the Orrin Empire. However, the empire, having sworn to be led by humans after the Death of their first leader, Achilles, fiercely resisted Yvva's advances. Despite his might, Yvva alone was not strong enough to challenge the entire empire, especially with other dragons supporting it and attempting to cripple him.   Retreating, Yvva claimed land near the empire and founded the Kingdom of Eldrida. In this realm, no one would deny the supremacy of his kind, and none would dare to look down on him. Those with power, whether magical or martial, would be subject to never casting a shadow on dragons of any kind.   Yvva established himself as the ruler of this kingdom and swiftly made his presence known to its inhabitants. Under his dominion, the humans of Eldrida were subjected to his rule. As the years passed, Yvva grew bored of the mundane tasks that came with being a ruler. The management and administration of a kingdom held little interest for him. He sought to ensure the continuation of his draconic legacy without being shackled by the duties of a king.   And so, he took a mate. Unwilling to have an heir who would challenge his might, he chose a Human mate. This half-dragon heir, possessing both the might of dragons and the blood of mortals, was destined to carry on Yvva's legacy. With a mixture of pride and relief, Yvva decided to pass down the position of king to his heir, freeing himself from the burden of leadership.   In time, Yvva's son grew to be a strong ruler, inheriting his father's beliefs about dragon supremacy and the governance of Eldrida. He carried on Yvva's vision, strictly regulating magic to be wielded only by dragons or those with draconic heritage. The realm of Eldrida flourished under the rule of this half-dragon king, and the legacy of Yvva lived on.


First ruler of Eldrida
Neutral Evil

Cover image: by Joshua Raphael
Character Portrait image: by Joshua Raphael


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