Cesselia Character in Toriel | World Anvil


Cesselia is a marshal, working under Yulessa Windrin for the Church of Waukeen. Her knack for money led her to countless shady job in her youth, before she understood that even the path of the church could be profiting.  


Cesselia, the daughter of Frankkòttir, had her roots in Windrin. Growing up in a comfortable household provided by her father's work as a professor in the renowed Evocation School, Cesselia developed a talent for bookkeeping from a young age.   However, her father's busy job and research left little Time for personal connections, leading Cesselia to seek freedom and independence. In her pursuit of adventure, she became entangled with the Mercenary Club, which eventually resulted in her involvement in a bar fight. Fortunately, a fellow club member, Rush Rockmourn, protected her, shielding her from harm during the brawl.   Their escapade was cut short when the city guards intervened and arrested everyone involved. Frankkòttir, upon learning of his daughter's involvement with these shady characters, was filled with shame and anger. To distance her from these questionable associations, he made a decision. Cesselia was compelled to temporarily join the Church of Waukeen as an acolyte.   Within the church, Cesselia unexpectedly found her calling. She realized that the church's mission aligned with her natural talents and interests in managing finances, overseeing tax records, and facilitating economic activities within the duchy. Yulessa Windrin, the cardinal of the church within the Duchy of High Zephyr, recognized Cesselia's potential in these areas and took her under her wing. Through Yulessa's mentorship, Cesselia eventually rose to become a marshal under her command.  

Family Tree



Cover image: Farewell by Greg Rutkowski
Character Portrait image: Cesselia by June Jenssen


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